Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) – international scientific journal

E-ISSN 1994-4195.

Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.
Issued from 2005.

2 June 01, 2024

1. Nasya Surya Ambar, Frans Sayogie, Isna Khairunnisa Raschani, Chelsea Shafa Nadine
The Frame of Asian Movement in Hollywood Films

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 174-180.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.174CrossRef

This study was carried out to investigate how the Asian movement is portrayed in films produced in Hollywood. The methodological approach that was taken in this investigation was qualitative and descriptive. The research was conducted using an approach developed by John Fiske called television ethics across three levels. The level of reality, the level of representation, and the level of ideology are the three levels that are being discussed here. Researchers find the notion of an Asian movement packed in the characters and culture of Hollywood movies by using these codes. The findings of this study demonstrate how the East has been able to advance despite the images in the film that depict it as having to succumb to the West. Because the Asian character in Hollywood is shown as a figure that is active, courageous, honest, and virtuous, one might deduce that Orientalism is the philosophy that underpins this picture. As well as the culture is shown in a manner that is quite similar to that of East Asian cultures from the beginning to the end of the movie.

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2. Nataliya Beloshitskaya, Olga Pechinkina
Arctic Floating University Diary as the Media Genre Influencing University Students’ Perception of the Arctic Issues

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 181-194.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.181CrossRef

The authors of the article explore the media text of the university site. The discourse of the university site is viewed as an institutional, corporative discourse with a generalized form of the authorship. The subject of the analysis is a scientific expedition’s diary. The main objectives of the analysis are to define the key value-charged meanings promoted by the diary’s text in the context of the socio-cultural agenda, the main means of those values’ conceptualization, and the way the University students perceive these meanings. The authors draw on the semiotic theory of the text, the presentation theory of discourse, and semiotic modelling of discourse. The main methods are semiotic and pragmalinguistic analyses, whereby the key presentemes standing for the dominant values were defined, to prove the findings the authors exploit the quantitative analysis tools. The authors conducted students’ interviewing (N=20) with the aim of understanding how the media genre under analysis facilitates students’ engagement into the Arctic issues. The results of the interviewing also shed light on the students’ perception of the Arctic. The findings show how the media texts addresser’s intentions have been implemented. The authors came to the conclusion that playful reinterpretation of reality as the leading model of reflecting the world secured by a number of communicative tactics, mainly tonality change help achieve the main goal of the media texts’ addresser – to promote key values through informing, enlightening, and entertaining.

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3. Irina Chelysheva
The Sociocultural Context and the Main Developing Stages of Family Education in Russian Feature Films

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 195-205.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.195CrossRef

Family issues have always been an important topic in Russian feature films. Films about family and family education, challenges of parent-child relationships are essential for media education of the younger generation. The educational potential of feature films is that they position family values and foundations, help build models of intra-family interaction, teach respect for the older generation, help strengthen intergenerational ties and preserve the best traditional values. This article presents the sociocultural context of the image of family and family education based on Russian feature films. The author carried out an interdisciplinary analysis of the main approaches, concepts and family models presented in pedagogical, psychological, cultural, and sociological studies. The main research methods are theoretical analysis and synthesis; generalization and classification, content analysis, abstraction and specification, and generalization. Using these methods, the study identifies the main transformation processes and changes characteristic of the presentation of family issues in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, associated with the key priorities of state family policy, ideology, pedagogical views and psychological ideas. Based on the analysis, the main stages of transformational processes of reflecting images of family and family education in Russian feature cinema are identified from the point of view of the main conceptual approaches, directions, goals, and objectives of media education.

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4. Adamkolo Mohammed Ibrahim, Hajara Umar Sanda, Usman Ibrahim Abubakar, Abubakar Tijjani Ibrahim
Exploring the Social Television Landscape and User Engagements: Preliminary Findings from a Northern Nigerian Study

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 206-217.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.206CrossRef

This paper presents preliminary results from a study investigating the usage patterns and dynamics of social television (TV) among university students in northern Nigeria. Grounded within the positivist research paradigm and adopting a quantitative approach, the study examines the frequency and manner in which university students engage with social TV content, focusing on the prevalence of smartphone usage and the activities carried out while watching TV. A survey methodology employing a questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 774 respondents drawn from six universities in northern Nigeria. The preliminary findings reveal a significant reliance on smartphones for TV viewing, with the majority of respondents reporting frequent engagement with social TV content. Activities such as chatting on social media platforms, browsing the internet and online shopping were prevalent among participants, highlighting the evolving nature of media consumption habits among digitally savvy audiences. The study underscores the transformative impact of social TV engagement on media consumption patterns and provides actionable recommendations for stakeholders in the media industry to enhance the social TV experience for audiences.

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5. Ella Kulikova, Victor Barabash
Modern Media Discourse and Standard in the Context of Ecological Thinking: Linguistic Tolerance

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 218-226.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.218CrossRef

Modern media discourse reflects all the trends in language development and, as a result, reflects all its inconsistencies. The modern media discourse reflects the tolerant attitude of speakers/writers towards different linguistic elements, which often do not comply with strict standard. The media text reflects all language processes the best of all, sometimes it outstrips the lingual standard. The article analyzes the concept of tolerance as a relation to modern linguistic processes, especially to borrowings, based on the material of modern media discourse. Problems of modern media discourse, modern communication, and therefore speech standard, are studied in connection with ecological thinking, language phenomena are considered from usefulness to improve language as a system. Modern orthology presupposes the extension of the framework of normativity. In the current communicative practices in relation to borrowings and different deviations, the category of tolerance dominates. But this feature does not indicate the gap of fixed ideas about normativity/non-normativity in language consciousness. The cultivation of the modern communicative space involves not only the study of the standard and its dynamics, but also the use of a system of norms, including ethics and speech norm, in media discourse. It was necessary for such a comprehensive research object to use methods of discourse analysis, linguistic pragmatics, including the variability of interpretations and stratification of linguistic units as tolerant/intolerant in media discourse and identification of interrelations between the category of tolerance and the basic principles of ecological thinking. The skills of using borrowed and jargon units when creating a media text are formed and fixed as mandatory in teaching the discipline “Modern Media Text” in professional training of specialists for the media industry.

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6. Manoj Kumar, Amit Sharma, Tilottama Goswami, Akhilesh Kumar Sharma
Metaverse in Media: Understanding Digital Traces Towards Futuristic Technologies in India

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 227-238.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.227CrossRef

Metaverse has established itself as the newest advancement in the current web world. The notion has garnered significant interest across multiple industries, the community, and particularly within academic institutions. It is the future gateway for any human-computer engagement. It intends to create an immersive digital space where users interact in real time with the virtual world and similar participants. The metaverse is a dynamic concept that is continuously evolving rather than being a phenomenon that can be easily examined. Therefore, the present study applied the sentiment analysis method to generate a new understanding regarding the notion of the metaverse. The study aims to determine the nature of Indian digital media content and whether it promotes or disapproves of the concept of the metaverse. Using the web scraping code, we generate a customized dataset, an excel file comprising 614 websites. The study aims to develop a systematic and standardized method for generating novel insights about the metaverse by analyzing current resources. The present analysis encompasses a broader range of online media, including news, blogs, and articles on the metaverse, in comparison to scholarly publications. The outcome demonstrates that the metaverse has a positive trajectory in mainstream media and will be a future technology for media, entertainment, and other internet-based industries.

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7. Kittiphum Lamoonpot, Smith Boonchutima, Ibtesam Mazahir
Customer-Brand Attitude Congruence and Purchase Intentions Among Thai Media Students in Higher Education: A Case Study of the Sansiri Brand

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 239-250.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.239CrossRef

This research investigates the influence of customer-brand attitude congruence on purchase intentions, with a particular focus on young Thai university students, utilizing the Sansiri brand as a case study. The study draws upon the theoretical framework of brand community and explores the intricate interplay between attitude similarity, brand value, brand awareness, brand image, reliability, sentiment engagement, community, and purchase intentions. Employing a survey methodology, a total of 434 participants responded to a self-rated questionnaire, utilizing a seven-point Likert scale for their evaluations. The analytical approach included descriptive statistics, internal consistency analysis, and the application of a structural equation model to assess the mediating effect of attitude similarity. The outcomes of the study indicate a favorable disposition among participants towards the Sansiri brand, revealing a noteworthy connection between brand value, attitude similarity, and purchase intentions. The findings suggest a partial mediation effect, shedding light on the nuanced relationship dynamics within the consumer-brand interface. Furthermore, the study underscores the significance of brand awareness, image, and reliability as pivotal predictors influencing positive consumer behavior.Acknowledging certain limitations, such as a relatively modest sample size and the reliance on self-reported questionnaires, the study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in brand management.

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8. Galina Mikhaleva
The Political and Ideological Contexts of the Family Image and Family Education in Russian Post-Soviet and Contemporary Feature Films

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 251-260.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.251CrossRef

The research investigates the political and ideological contexts of the family image and family education in Russian post-Soviet and contemporary feature films. The transition from the Soviet era to the post-Soviet period brought significant changes in social values which were presented in the portrayal of families on screen. With the break-up of the Soviet Union and the transition to a market economy, there was a resurgence of traditional values, including a renewed emphasis on the nuclear family as a source of stability and security in an uncertain world. Overall, the ideological and cultural analyses of contemporary Russian feature films focused on the family image reveal a complex and multifaceted portrayal reflecting the ongoing evolution of Russian society and culture. These films provide insights into the tensions between tradition and modernity, individualism and collectivism, and the impact of political and social changes on family dynamics in Russia. Thus, the depiction of the family image and family education in Russian post-Soviet and contemporary feature films is shaped by a complex interplay of political, social, and ideological factors. Recently, there has been a resurgence of conservative values and an emphasis on traditional family structures as a bulwark against perceived Western influence and moral decay. This has been reflected in some Russian feature films promoting traditional gender roles and family values as essential to national identity and stability.

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9. Olga Petrova, Irina Belyakova
Messaging Apps in Teacher-Parent Digital Communication

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 261-271.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.261CrossRef

The authors analyze current teacher-parent digital communication practices via school group chats and define the communicative competence of stakeholders in education in connection with the use of instant messaging applications. The latest research in pedagogy, digital and media literacy is discussed in terms of its didactic potential regarding instant messaging apps as a ‘new normal’ in the learning environment. Content analysis of 32 media texts, including articles and posts, and over 800 comments published on teacher forums, professional journals and special interest magazines reveals that the roles of teachers and parents as communicators as well as their strategies for interaction are rather controversial. There is a distinct contradiction between school administrations’ expectations about developing a more open and collaborative communicative environment via messaging apps and reality. Teachers complain of increased working loads and poor ethics on the part of parents; the latter disapprove of the content and amount of the received messages. As a result, teachers tend to stick to the strategy of abandoning two-way communication in favor of one-way, thus limiting the role of parents. New styles and strategies for communication between teachers and parents using instant messaging services should be modeled.

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10. Evgeniya Proskurnova, Xi Lin, Aleksey Litvincev, Leila Algavi
Microcinema: What Are the Ultra-short Films of the Digital Age?

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 272-281.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.272CrossRef

The distribution of content in the online environment in the 21st century required the emergence of new methods to attract an audience to online products. This trend is a response to the exponentially growing amount of content generated online and is aimed at improving the interaction between users and online products. Thus, this evolution has become a mainstream field of study as scientists seek to understand the implications of audience engagement practices for various sectors of the digital economy. Currently, users devote their attention and time to a limited number of topics and consume information that goes beyond their interests as a synopsis. In such circumstances, new media formats are emerging online. The Internet community has adopted various traditional genres from the classical arts and media, which are constantly evolving into new formats. One such genre that has emerged in recent times is microcinema. The presented study aims to analyze the specific features of a phenomenon, define it, and determine its position in modern media. The authors understand the concept of microcinema as a hybrid genre that emerged at the intersection of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We argue that this genre inherits its roots from classical cinema while embracing new technological advancements and cultural shifts. This study analyzed the ultra-short-length films (N = 180, 2022–2023) nominated at the microcinema festivals. This analysis of the trends in the genre’s development revealed the high potential of this genre to solve educational, political, economic, and cultural problems faced by specialists of different profiles, as well as in the search for answers to important philosophical questions.

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11. Shazia Shahab Shaikh, Azan Turk
Facebook Advertisements’ Impact on Undergraduate Consumer’s Purchasing Intention in Sindh, Pakistan

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 282-292.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.282CrossRef

This study focuses on the impact of Facebook advertisements on undergrad consumer’s purchasing intention in Pakistan. Furthermore, it explores undergraduate preferences toward Facebook advertisements. Another purpose is to determine the undergrad's attitudes toward Facebook advertisements among undergrad consumers' purchasing intentions. Last but not least is to evaluate the mediating role of brand image and brand equity through Facebook advertisements among undergrad consumers' purchasing intention. All constructs of the study are adopted from reviews of the previous literature. A total of 278 sampled data was collected among the undergraduate Facebook advertisement users at the University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan. Researchers applied the semi-structured survey within the purposive sample technique. The data was examined by SPSS version 28. The result of R Square (R2 = 0.529) affirmed that Facebook advertisements have a favorable impact on consumer's purchasing intentions, which ensures the primary objective of this study. The key finding of the research reveals that Facebook advertisements have a positively significant impact on preferences, attitudes, brand images, and equity among undergraduate consumer's purchasing intentions. All findings have been constituted by the means of the proposed model.

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12. Marina Simkacheva, Roman Bakanov
Technology of Project Activity in Media Education (On the Example of Training Aspiring Journalists at Kazan Federal University)

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 293-308.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.293CrossRef

The article presents the results of research on the experience and technologies of creating author's educational and creative projects in the framework of several practice-oriented disciplines in the implementation of the curriculum for training journalists at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Using the methods of analyzing the progress of producing media projects from the idea to their implementation on the platforms of social communication, pedagogical diagnostics, professional self-reflection and teachers who manage media projects, analyzing the stages of project implementation, as well as evaluating the risks and opportunities of implementing student media projects in open access, the main principles of organizing project training for journalism students were identified. The pedagogical experience of teachers is systematized. The authors of the article focused on the conceptual ideas of the developers of the theory and practice of the project method by E.W. Collings, J. Dewey, W.H. Kilpatrick. Project work during training lays simulates the process as close to practice as possible and forms the necessary skills, abilities and competencies corresponding to modern trends. During the implementation of the project, each student goes through all the stages of the production cycle of the release of a media product, working in the deadline mode and responsibility for its compliance.

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13. Marina Tselykh
Twentieth Anniversary of the Media Education Journal: Main Trends in Research

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2024. 20(2): 309-318.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.309CrossRef

In 2025, the Media Education journal has its twentieth anniversary since its founding (2005). And this is a good reason for the content of this article. The purpose of this article is to identify through the analysis of publications in the Media Education journal the main trends in media education that characterize modern research areas of the last four years. To study in detail the main directions and trends in current development of scientific research in media education area, the entire pool of articles has been divided into the key groups united by problem range considered by their authors: 1. changes in the media sphere; 2. media literacy; 3. media manipulations; 4. theoretical models of effective media educational activities; 5. media discourse; 6. history of cinema. From the discussion it becomes clear that the pace of change in media sphere has quickened considerably since the 2020s, and that the role of media education in providing ideas and methods has come under increasing academic attention and community scrutiny. The fact that modern people live in an increasingly media-intensive environment means that they need to acquire certain media skills andabilities, and media education becomes the basis of a strategy for improving their competency profile.

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