Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) – international scientific journal

E-ISSN 1994-4195.

Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.
Issued from 2005.

3 September 20, 2019

1. Ben Bachmair
Exploring Writing in a Digitally-Dominated Culture – Options for Formal Learning in Schools

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 338-366.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.338CrossRef

From a cultural-historical perspective, writing is seen in the dynamic of the digitally-driven development of culture that is characterized by disruption. The multimodality of cultural resources for representation is one such disruption that is changing traditional linear and standardized writing. This disruption forces education to open writing to the variety of representational modes that also form a substantial element of everyday life or digital mass communication. Here, the development of multimodality as part of changing societal and cultural structures is discussed by investigating German and British school projects that have explored the practical application of multimodal forms of writing since 2000. A leading question was how students who are disengaged from learning in schools or in the process of migration deal with the multimodality of everyday life within formal learning, and what kind of agency of the students drives this. Within a society of individualization, a key element of change in the learner’s agency stems from what is seen as a contribution to and result of the cultural disruption, where reality is constructed as individualized egocentric worlds based on personal experiences. In addition, this happens in the societal process of individualization, leading also to learning as meaning-making in contexts. A question for education now is how schools can react to such cultural disruptions in order to support learners in their personal development. The innovative school practices investigated here are based on a conversational, constructivist and situated design for formal learning. Student interventions to multimodality within this learning design were analysed and will be presented in respect of the students’ agency.

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2. Emma Camarero, D. Varona-Aramburu
Media Literacy for Woman’s Empowerment. A Case Study with Groups of Honduran Indigenous and Rural Women in Vulnerable Situation

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 367-380.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.367CrossRef

This investigation analyzes the impact of a media literacy project implemented with groups of rural and/or indigenous women, mostly of the Lenca ethnic group, in the departments of La Paz, Ocotepeque and Lempira, in one of the poorest regions of Honduras. The objectives of this project were to reduce their vulnerability through media literacy and increase their capacity to raise awareness and to apply good practices in their communities regarding food security, agricultural productivity, marketing of their products, gender leadership and affirmation of indigenous culture. The results indicate that this type of media education in non-formal contexts advances social change and improves job opportunities and the empowerment of vulnerable groups, which helps to reduce poverty. Both the data collected through in-depth interviews with training participants and the subsequent follow-up confirm that media literacy in non-formal educational environments allows women to acquire skills enable them to boost their presence both in their municipalities and in digital contexts, shed light on their problem areas, develop the concept of indigenous culture, reduce their productive vulnerability and improve their socioeconomic situation through the use of accessible communication tools.

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3. Irina Chelysheva, Galina Mikhaleva
Russian and Foreign Approaches to Media Education of Young People in Matters Relating to Interethnic Tolerance

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 381-392.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.381CrossRef

Xenophobia, aggressive nationalism, ethnic hatred, intolerance and violence have currently become the most acute social problems. In this regard, the issues of promoting interethnic tolerance of the younger generation including preparing an individual for active citizenship based on respect for representatives of other ethnic groups and cultures and a high level of interethnic culture are becoming more vital. The issues of preventing interethnic hatred and intolerance among adolescents and young people are of particular relevance in the modern context. The article analyzes Russian and foreign studies on the problem of media education of children and young people in matters of interethnic and intercultural tolerance. In addition, the authors consider contemporary Russian and foreign methods, forms, practices of media education to foster interethnic tolerance in young people. The research focuses on analyzing the problem of promoting interethnic tolerance in the context of modern media education in Russia and English-speaking countries in terms of applying integrated forms and methods of enhancing interethnic tolerance of the younger generation.

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4. A.P. Korochensky, D.S. Srybnyy, Y.I. Tyazhlov
Civil Media Criticism and Political Processes in Mediatized Society

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 393-399.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.393CrossRef

In the conditions of modern mediatized society, in which people's communication is being mediated by technical means of information, the communication of all institutions with citizens is carried out largely through media channels. Possibilities of political and commercial manipulations of the public are growing in number with the use of a powerful media complex and the latest communication technologies. This trend poses a threat to democracy, which degenerates into a manipulative ersatz that excludes the really free and informed will of citizens. In the context of the market functioning of the media, it is increasingly important to formulate and take into calculations the reactions of the audience to the activities of the media industry and to the producing of content. Recently there were no reliable ways to convey to media organizations the needs and requests of the audience and help citizens to become included in the media political discourses. One of the solutions today can become the civil media criticism, carried out by the authors, not related to media organizations. Media criticism contributes to the development of media competence of citizens, their rational and critical attitude to political discourses formed by the media, which in turn may favor the emergence of a new type of citizenship for the mediatized society of the XXI century.

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5. E.G. Kulikova, L.A. Brusenskaya
Social Anti-drug Advertising as a Factor of Professional Preventology

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 400-408.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.400CrossRef

Narcotization, being a complex phenomenon involving various spheres, can be overcome only by a set of measures – from criminal and law measures to social ones. Modern media directly or indirectly contribute to the formation of a liberal attitude to the problem of drug addiction. In these circumstances, a special role is given to social advertising, to its preventive function. Adequate social advertising, which can become a powerful preventive anti-drug resource, should be opposed to mass involvement of young people into the sphere of drug abuse and distribution. Preventive social advertising is constructive in its essence, as it is aimed at the formation of such attitudes and personality traits, in which drugs are not understood as value. The methodological basis of this investigation is the unity of the general, psycholinguistic, linguistic and law methods. The whole range of facts observed in the discourse – lexical units and grammatical forms, which provides social advertising is the subject of the study. The analysis is conducted at different levels – at the macro- and microlevel. A comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of social advertising, dedicated to drug prevention demanded the usage of speech activity, the theory of speech acts, support on ideas and methods of cognitive science.

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6. Anastasia Levitskaya
Ambivalence of Antiheroes in Modern Film Fairy Tales for Child

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 409-417.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.409CrossRef

This article seeks to contribute to the debate about understandings and interpretations of modern film fairy tales aimed at children and family audiences. The main focus of the research is on the way traditional folklore and fairy tale antagonists are transformed into heroes/protagonists in postmodern entertainment film genres. The qualitative research results are drawn from an adapted V.Propp's methodology. Conclusions and concerns for media effects are considered. On the example of two modern films in the genre of fairy tales the author analyzed the erosion of the traditional binary oppositions of the tale – those that were considered marked positively (hero, good king), perform negative functions and vice versa. Indeed, both films use a postmodern narrative device – to turn traditional heroes into villains, and villains into heroes. This gives the viewer the opportunity to take a fresh look at the characters – heroes whom we have considered to be good are capable of evil, and antagonists, on the contrary, can do good. The media texts used for analysis are far from unique, the same trend is reflected in Shrek (2001), and its subsequent parts (in the second film, the main villain is Fairy Godmother), a Russian animated series Princesses (2018) (the magic school principal is Koschei).

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7. Elena Muryukina
Transformation of Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Russian Media Literacy Education in the "Perestroika" Period (1984–1991)

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 418-424.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.418CrossRef

The changes that took place in the years of "perestroika" had a significant impact on modern media education in Russia, changed and expanded the methodological foundations of media pedagogy, determined the trends in the development of this sector of education in accordance with changes within the country (political, social, economic, etc.) & global experience. Transformation processes touched upon the broadening of methodological and theoretical conceptions. For this purpose, there were objective prerequisites created that may be summed up as follows: practical activities are often ahead of theoretical research and generalization in the field of media education; the era of perestroika brought our country out of isolation in relation to the Western world, so the theory of the dialogue of cultures has gained relevance; access to foreign research works was gained, all that influenced the development of media education in the USSR. The changes that took place in the years of "perestroika" had a significant impact on modern media education in Russia. Along with the transformation processes that affected the methodological and theoretical foundations of Russian media education, the 1980s are characterized by the penetration and integration of Western ideas into the educational environment of the USSR.

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8. M.V. Pevneva, S.V. Maximets, N.V. Toupchi
Media as a Means of Developing a Sports Culture of Adolescents

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 425-432.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.425CrossRef

We have defined the importance of influence of physical education and sports activities on the development of personality of a young individual. Sports culture is taken to refer to the positive value attitudes towards sport, activity and outputs that should reflect assimilation, preservation, realization and development of the most important and significant personality component. Developed physical culture is geared towards the resolution of contradictions between work and leisure, as well as mental and physical aspects. The necessary capacity lays in the modern domestic media products aimed at creating a positive image of a sportsman, such as movies about legendary athletes, series of shows about famous trainers and athletes’ lives and achievements. Based on modern educational standards, we have developed a thematic plan for students in the framework of the "ArtPedagogy in physical culture of personality" course, integrating media education technologies The implementation of this thematic plan will allow University students: to get acquainted with the basic concepts and qualitative characteristics of the discipline; to get acquainted with the key concepts of media; to determine the characteristics and codes of expression in the films of a particular type of sports culture; to develop independent, critical thinking as well as creativity etc.

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9. Alexander Shuneyko, Olga Chibisova
Information Space as a Source and Result of Creating Myths

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 433-443.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.433CrossRef

The article deals with the analysis of the semantic content of the myth, which captures the perception and evaluation of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the spatial and temporal aspects. It investigates how a myth is created, what components it consists of, how it interacts with the information space. The mechanisms of the myth emergence are fundamentally different. Their features are determined by the measure of artificiality or naturalness of creating myths. From the point of view of studying the specifics of global propaganda, artificially constructed myths are of special interest. The material for the study was the literary and journalistic texts created from different ideological positions, which document the nature of perceiving the city at various times of its existence. The article proposes a technique for analyzing and reconstructing a myth that can be used to work with different myths. It reveals the nature of the connection between mythological characteristics and reality. The content of the myth is described as a text consisting of five semantic complexes, formulated as statements. The first is the boundless breadth of space and its isolation from Russia. The second is that this space is not only uninhabited before the construction of the city, but completely deserted, lifeless. The third is that the space is inhabited by people who came here as hosts to build their city and settle there forever. The fourth is that the space was built by the Komsomol members, engaged in free prospective creative work and overcoming obstacles by their own will. The fifth is it is a space with no present. On the basis of the material presented in the paper, it is concluded that although its semantics differ significantly from the real characteristics of a particular space, the durability of the myth’s existence is determined by the effectiveness of its promotion methods.

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10. L.V. Skorova, Y.V. Smyk
Development of Parental Psychological Media Competence: Milestones, Principles and Methods

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 444-453.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.444CrossRef

The concept of ‘parental psychological media competence’ was addressed, the significance of its cultivation for the purposes of securing psychological safety of children in the media environment was substantiated. A framework for the development of psychological media competence of parents was presented. Milestones of the development of psychological media competence were described: the value-based and meaning-making, the personality guidance, the creative and pragmatist. During the first stage, development of the meaningful (value-based and semantic parental self-determination, joint parent-and-child activity, psychological competence) came about, at the second – the procedural (psychological media experience, attitude to media, reflexive actions), at the third – the effective (understanding of media, a match of media understanding with a reference, the ability to reproduce accumulated experience of understanding the media) features of psychological media competence. The sequence of the change of stages is determined by individual peculiarities of the development of psychological competence of a parent, personal activity and particular experience, wherein psychological media competence was embedded. The emerging psychological media competence of parents would, aside from bringing parents’ media experience into the foreground, also engage deep inner resources of parental personality, significantly expanding their ability to accommodate own actions and activities of a child in the media environment. Analysis and trial of methods to develop psychological media competence of parents afforded us to accentuate the most effective ones, those appealing to personal experience and based on interactive communication: solving situational problems, gaming simulation of challenging situations in a media environment, plot– and activity-based games, discussion. Those methods encapsulated great opportunities for deep value-based and semantic changes, afforded to create an environment psychologically comfortable for parents to assure free, creative approach towards assessment and resolution of situations related to the behavior and emotional response of children in the course of their interaction with various types of media. Examples of methods field-proven by the authors in practical work were given.

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11. S.A. Vorontsov, A.Yu. Goloborodko, A.V. Ponedelkov, A.G. Shteinbukh
On Improving of Outreach Work in the Media Sphere to Counter the Ideology of Terrorism

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(3): 454-460.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.3.454CrossRef

The study examines the challenges of improving media outreach to counter the ideology of terrorism regarding the opportunities of modern mass media education. The authors of the article note that the development of state mechanisms is currently carried out in the conditions of the lack of effective control over communications, draw attention to the problems of formation of media legitimacy and the importance of work on information and communication positioning of authorities in the modern information space. The authors analyze the ways to implement the requirements of the Federal Comprehensive Plan to counter the ideology of terrorism, highlight existing problems and propose possible solutions. In the authors’ opinion’s, the following issues are essential: 1) to create a pool of speakers, both from “within” public authorities, and "independent" which can give expert support in the information environment, including the creation of advisory councils at federal executive authorities; 2) for the press services – to try following the unified principles of work with editiorial offices, and for editiorial offices – not to demand from the press services of the impracticable actions which are outlined by regulations. This problem can be solved at the level of coordination between the heads of authorities and mass media's editorial offices; 3) to begin, eventually, a possible dialogue with the audience in social media; 4) to provide a possibility for direct dialogue between the staff of law-enforcement departments and their press services with the representatives of the media on a regular basis; 5) speaking about mass media education which, as we know, concerns not only the professional media sphere, but also the general population practically of all age and professions which daily act as active consumers of media then, most likely, the development of media competence of audience, carried out in the course of mass media education can be one of the effective steps.

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