Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) – international scientific journal

E-ISSN 1994-4195.

Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.
Issued from 2005.

3 September 09, 2023

1. Irina Arkhangelskaya
KVN: Students’ View on the Game

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 345-352.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.345CrossRef

KVN is the most long-lasting humor program on national TV. Review of the academic studies show that there are different approaches to assessing the role of KVN in agenda-setting and forming political opinions in Russia, but most scholars consider the youth to be the game’s target audience. The research goal is to find out if KVN is popular with young people in the Russian Federation. The article summarizes the results of the online survey conducted in April–May 2023 during which 200 students from Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod and Lobachevski State University of Nizhny Novgorod (aged 19-25) answered the questions on their attitude to the game, regularity and the way they watch it. The young people named their favorite teams, comedians, and sketches. The results prove that though respondents are aware what KVN is, the show is of no interest to more than a half of them. Those, who watch the game, do it mostly via the Internet, prefer wordplay, situation, and abstract humor. Teams and comedians who played in seasons 2013–2016 are named as favorites, possibly because of their frequent appearance on TV and social media. Students would like to see changes in the game’s format and content.

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2. Alexander Fedorov, Emma Camarero, Anastasia Levitskaya
Theoretical Concepts of Film Studies in Cinema Art Journal: XXI Century

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 353-403.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.353CrossRef

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the editors of Cinema Art apparently realized that the attempts to transform the magazine into a socio-political one, made at the end of the "perestroika" era and in the 1990s, had not yielded the expected dividends. As a result, the journal returned to the format of a cinematic publication. Hence the increase in the number of theoretical articles on cinema, which in the 21st century averaged eighteen a year. Daniil Dondurey (1947–2017), who directed Cinema Art until 2017, maintained the journal's course towards a sociological understanding of the media process, while attracting leading authors in the field. The film critic Anton Dolin, who replaced him in the second half of 2017, on the one hand re-emphasized political accents and also strengthened passages in the journal texts that opposed the authorities, and on the other hand began to pay much more attention to the genres of mass culture in film. Our analysis of the concepts of film studies (in the context of the socio-cultural, historical, political situation, etc.) in the journal Cinema Art in the 21st century has shown that the theoretical works on cinematic topics in this period can be divided into the following types - Articles, discussions devoted to the analysis of the theoretical heritage of the classics and the history of Soviet cinema (A. Fomenko, N. Izvolov, N. Kleiman, O. Kovalov, E. Maisel, E. Margolit, A. Medvedev, N. Sputnitskaya, V. Shmyrov, A. Shpagin, A. Shcherbenok and others); - Articles attempting to understand the film process from a theoretical point of view (O. Aronson, D. Golynko-Wolfson, E. Maisel, L. Manovich, etc.); - articles devoted to the sociological and cultural problems of cinema, television, and film distribution (O. Berezin, K. Bogoslovskaya, D. Dondurey, D. Golynko-Wolfson, E. Maisel, I. Poluekhtova, K. Razlogov, V. Zvereva, etc.); at the same time, the analysis of the phenomenon of the Internet and virtual reality has become a new theoretical trend of the journal. - theoretical articles on foreign cinema (A. Artyukh, D. Komm, N. Tsyrkun, etc.). In general, Cinema Art in the 21st century, as in the 1990s, offered new interpretations of the history of Soviet and world cinema and tried to find theoretical approaches to the current film process.

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3. Olga Gorbatkova
Theoretical Articles of Film Expert K.E. Razlogov in the Cinema Art Journal

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 404-412.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.404CrossRef

The evolution of theoretical film studies positions of the famous film expert K.E. Razlogov (1946–2021) in Cinema Art journal is analyzed in this article. Purpose of study: comprehensive retrospective analysis of the theoretical film studies position evolution of K.E. Razlogov in Cinema Art journal in configuration of historical, political and socio-cultural snapshot. The results of content analytical discourse of the film studies positions in the theoretical articles of K.E. Razlogov on the pages of Cinema Art journal allow outlining some conclusions: - the theoretical film studies positions of K.E. Razlogov to a greater extent were focused on the plot-structural analysis of the film, its genre originality, the specific features of expressive means in the historical context; - the content of some articles of the film expert reflected the problems of studying the most important phenomena of the foreign cinematography history and theory by the Soviet film critics, standing for the need of conscious orientation towards the development of spectacular cinematography, the importance of developing a methodology based on the principle of historicism, the segment unity of the ideological and semiotic approaches; - the texts of the theoretical articles of the film expert, written in the Soviet period, contained the traces of ideology of the ruling Communist party; the author repeatedly referred to the ideological dogmas, resolutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR in his publications, paying attention to the semantic content analysis of the official documents and degree of cinematography development in accordance with the established positions; - in the period of the 21st century the author’s works substantially referred to the studies of the historical evolution and the problem of film presentation on Russian TV screens; - in general, the film studies publications of K.E. Razlogov were dedicated to studying the correlations and influence of political and socio-cultural transformation processes on the development of cinematography in the context of various periods of history.

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4. Sharmila Kayal, Ruma Saha, Lakhan Raghuvanshi
Pandemic and VUCA World: Analyzing Indian Scenario of Integrated Marketing Communication on Digital Platform

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 413-424.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.413CrossRef

The marketing sector in the recent pandemic of COVID-19 time has seen a massive transformation. In order to retain its consumers, different innovative approaches have been strategized to hold its brand positioning or to sustain its equity in the market. The comprehensive advertising networks globally set in motion the measures with their distinctive magnetism and quipped the branded content is imperative in today’s VUCA world. Branded content is getting more attention and is able to create brand recognition. Consumers tend to like branded content because they believe the content is more consumer focused. There comes the market confront and their struggle to build brand personality because “Advertisements are ephemeral but its residues are rock hard.” The main objective of this research is to understand the trends of digital marketing communication campaigns in the VUCA world related to covid-19 pandemic awareness in India; it explores the consumers’ perception related to the phenomenon of brand communication. The present research finds that, there is a thorough understanding of creative strategies of marketing (advertising/public relations) messages, information, and appeals emerged in pandemic period (Covid-19 and post covid scenario) in today’s imperative VUCA world. This study argues that by adopting the new embedded strategies businesses in this crisis time, companies have emphasized their continued existence and their capability to go on with the delivery to their prospective customers for the same products and value despite the disaster.

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5. Nikolay Khilko, Nina Genova
Formation the Media Literacy of Culture and Arts Universities’ Students in the Process of Analyzing the Interactive Environment

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 425-435.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.425CrossRef

The article presents various approaches to the general problem of media literacy developing in the context of the students preparation. The authors present a review of current Russian and foreign publications that consider the structure of media literacy of culture and arts universities students in the context of key competencies. The analysis enabled to view professional activities in the system of integrated media educational component in culture and art universities. Key concepts of media literacy are associated with ways to master it. The media competencies are distinguished by their indicators, which are acceptable for the field of integrated media education arts. A real model of the formation of students' media literacy was built on the basis of media competence and the relationship between methods of analyzing media value practice. By authors established that in the system of integrated art education, the main goal is to select media concepts, adapt them, choose media and bind them to forms of stage action. The structure of students media literacy is determined key, basic and special. The key competencies determine the nature of perception and media communication, perceptual and interactive components of media literacy. Basic competencies come to the cognitive component of media literacy.

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6. Elena A. Makarova, Elena L. Makarova
Digitalization of Education: Analysis of Engagement and Socio-Demographic Features of Online Learning Participants

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 443-452.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.443CrossRef

The emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic required instructors and students to switch to distance learning. Although higher education institutions had used digital technologies way before the COVID-19 pandemic, necessity caused by long–term lockdowns showed that digitalization became a part of teaching and learning process. Higher education professors took advantage of digital technology to deliver their educational services with no physical contact between instructors and students. Many of them transferred from traditional and blended pedagogy to fully virtual learning and distant course delivery. The purpose is to consider educational environment rapid transformation, but also to analyze shortcomings of completely digital learning and the impact it has on students and instructors. To understand how they coped with the transition to learning in digital format, we studied how they feel about it. Using the questionnaire, we found two different groups of people in education: the first was more interested in digitalization and successfully coped with the tasks of online learning, and the second scored lower in both of these areas. When compared in terms of their socio-demographic characteristics, as well as assessing the relationship between each socio-demographic marker and engagement in coping, it was found that instructors and students did better with digitalization and online learning if they had had previous experience in blended education. The conducted research was based on the methodology of data collection and analysis, gives a broad overview of how technological innovations overcome limited space and time in students education. Diversified educational resources are created by digital technologies implementation in education various aspects and spheres. The article is concluded with a discussion of the problems that arise and ways and methods of their solution. Distance learning has both advantages and disadvantages, but it is definitely here to stay.

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7. Ella Kulikova, Victor Barabash, Ludmila Brusenskaya
Criteria for the Necessity of Anglicisms in Modern Media

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 436-442.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.436CrossRef

One of the ecological criteria is a useful variety of linguistic means of expression and a plenty of synonymic rows. In recent decades synonymic rows have been actively replenished by borrowing anglicisms. References to 2025, when new high-quality dictionaries with a list of anglicisms that have no analogues in native linguistic means and therefore allowed to use are unlikely to be correct. If these are standard dictionaries formed by analogy with explanatory ones or dictionaries of foreign words, they will not help solve the problem, and it is also impossible to hope that a "small monograph" with a list of connotations, pragmatic co-meanings, etc., will be written about every anglicism. Therefore, the urgent problem of the article is to identify in general criteria for the necessity of anglicisms. Of course, it is possible and necessary to talk about the benefits (or lack thereof) for each definite word, but some generalizations can be made. This is exactly what is done in this article. Based on the material of modern media texts, it is shown which types of anglicisms and why fully correspond to ecological thinking and can be considered not as a harm, but as a means of replenishing the Russian language. The methods of analysis were chosen based on the integration of deduction and induction, traditional for the humanities, with the methods of sociolinguistics, cognitive science and linguopragmatics.

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8. Galina Melnik, Konstantin Pantserev
Innovations in the Global and Russian Media Industry and Media Education

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 453-465.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.453CrossRef

The article is devoted to the analysis of innovative approaches used in the contemporary media industry and media education. The research is based on a critical analysis of scientific literature, both national and foreign, that point out the facts of the beginning of the use of innovative technologies in the work of editorial boards in the last 5 years, as well as trends in the development of the media sphere, positive and negative factors that affect the quality of the information product. Researchers mainly point out in their articles the trend of the increase of the role of mass media in the society as well as the increase of their influence on the government, social institutions and social groups. Experts also emphasize that the media agenda, professionally generated by communicators, covers a significant number of Internet users and a significant audience of online media. Contemporary researches take into account the key parameters of the information environment – convergence, interactivity, hypertextuality and multiplatform, which give us an opportunity to find new ways for presenting the information. Experts pay increased attention to civil journalists who by their selves study the professions of commentator, reporter, photojournalist, service editor, SMM specialist, SEO manager, content manager, etc. The authors come to the conclusion that in contemporary media studies they mark the fundamental role of the audience in the exchange of information and point out the striving of the media for democratic principles, such as independence, impartiality, relevance and correctness. The functions of providing information, critical assessment, monitoring and participation are assigned to the media. The main competition unfolded for the trust of the audience, the quality of the content and the style of work of the media. Economic sectors are being integrated with the information and communication technology sector. The problem of the predominance of the technological factor over the content factor is raised. On the one hand, automated problems, improved tools, the appearance of infographics and multimedia elements have opened up opportunities for creating a high-quality information product. On the other hand, in conditions of competition and economic instability, representatives of the media industry are forced to balance between the obligation to promote certain values and the need to earn money and therefore simplify the information product, following the unassuming interests of the audience.

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9. Andrei Pugachev, Alina Kharchenko, Irina Volkova
Representation of Players’ Experiences in Fanfiction: A Case Study of Gacha-game Genshin Impact

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 466-472.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.466CrossRef

The world of Genshin Impact, an open-world action role-playing game, has gained immense popularity among players since its release in 2020. Along with the game's updates, the fan fiction works have been growing exponentially on various platforms. In this article, we explore the correlation between the quality of the updates and the number of created fan fiction works. Our hypothesis suggests that when the update is filled with interesting characters, in-game mechanics and events, players become fully immersed in the game world and do not feel the need to create new fan content. Conversely, when the update is unsatisfactory, players attempt to fulfill their desires by creating new fan fiction works. To prove this hypothesis, we conducted a study of the updates and the corresponding fan fiction works. Our findings suggest that there is a significant correlation between the quality of the updates and the number of fan fiction works created. The study also highlights the significance of fan fiction in creating a community around a game and shows how it can reflect players' perceptions of the game's updates. Overall, our article sheds light on the relationship between fan fiction writers and in-game updates, and its implications both for the gaming and literary industry. This study and its results can also be used as a case study in media literacy courses and or lessons.

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10. Frans Sayogie, Deden Dailami Majid, Farhan Iqbal Prasetyo, Fadhlan Rama Nazuli
Brand Slogan and Tagline with Masculinity Role in L-Men Platinum Advertisements

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 473-479.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.473CrossRef

The study focuses on the construction of gender roles in L-Men advertisements. Using a cultural studies approach and a modified circuit of culture as a methodological and theoretical framework, this study aims to identify how gender roles are associated with production, representation, identity, and consumption. Furthermore, it can facilitate a broad contextual understanding of the Indonesian male identity's complexities and contradictions. L-Men is an Indonesian brand that produces a protein-rich drink that is intended to assist men in gaining muscle mass. The gender roles in L-Men Platinum advertisements are investigated in this study. The study reveals that advertising constructs the identity of ideal masculinity in Indonesian society through representation. L-Men advertising builds a toxic mindset in society, especially for males, by consistently using muscular models or actors in the advertisement. Also, it is stated in every L-Men advertisement from time to time that it still consistently uses the tagline "Trust me, It works", which implicitly instils a perception of its achievement in accomplishing a body goal for its customers. Thus, advertising has become an effective medium for commercializing products and constructing gender roles in society, particularly for men.

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11. Shazia Shahab Shaikh, Jamilah Ahmad HJ, Abida Hafeez
Social Media’s Impact on Academic Performance of Higher Faculties During Covid-19 Pandemic in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 480-491.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.480CrossRef

Social media become the dynamic tool of communication among academicians during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, a lack of research examines the impact of social media use on academic performance by higher faculties. In this study, TAM was applied as an analytical model and employed a survey as a quantitative research method. A total of 242 higher faculties from multi-disciplines of the University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Hyderabad, (Sindh) Pakistan were chosen from 1st August 2021 to 30th August 2021. The data was analyzed by SPSS version 26, based on the technology acceptance model, applied Cronbach's α, regression, and Pearson correlation techniques. This study revealed the moderate correlation r-square = .674, p = 0.000, which indicated the use of social media, perceived usefulness, and teacher satisfaction have a significantly positive impact on the academic performance except perceived ease of use among higher faculties in the university. Therefore, this study concluded that the impact of social media usage on academic performance by teachers have shown significant pattern and transformed the traditional approach towards online for development of academic performance. However, social media can assist in better academic performance by promoting collaborative learning, and discussions. Hence, for further analytical evaluation, similar research must be conducted at private universities.

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12. Yuri Tyunnikov, Marina Maznichenko, Valentina Krylova, Yuri Yurchenko
Content Forecasting and Assessment of Methods to Develop Teachers’ Media Competencies

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 492-503.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.492CrossRef

The purpose of the article, to predict the actual content of teachers’ professional competencies that ensure the productive use of media and digital resources in solving pedagogical tasks, to propose ways to form such competencies by media means. With regard to the findings of the study, the following conclusions were made. A modern educator needs competencies related to the search and selection of media products and digital technologies for solving pedagogical tasks (orientation-constructive), designing an educational process that allows them to realize their pedagogical potential (design), organizing individual and group educational and cognitive activities of students in a virtual environment (organizational), pedagogical communication in a virtual environment (communicative), the use of media- and digital resources in the educational process, taking into account individual requests and special needs of students (inclusive), ensuring the safety of the media and digital resources used by the teacher and students (health-saving), continuous formation and self-development of digital and media literacy and culture (developing), creation of new pedagogical practices by means of integration of traditional, media- and digital means (innovative), ensuring the humanistic orientation of the process of using digital and media tools to solve pedagogical tasks (humanistic). To develop such competencies, it is necessary to involve media: cinema, educational video content, electronic educational resources, etc.

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13. Yang Yang, Hamedi Mohd Adnan, Nor Zaliza Sarmiti
Influencing Factors of Trust in Zibo Government in the Context of TikTok Use among Chinese Young Adults

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2023. 19(3): 504-510.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.3.504CrossRef

TikTok, as a newly emerging social media tool, has been widely used in China especially among Chinese young adults. After China has relaxed its controls of the COVID-19 pandemic policy, there are a great many comments from TikTok young adult users expressing their desire to travel to Zibo city (a city in Shandong), which shows their trust in Zibo government. Therefore, it is imperative to explore the influencing factors of trust in Zibo government in the context of TikTok use among Chinese young adults in this study. Snowball sampling technique was adapted in this study and eight interviewees who are TikTok users aged from 18 to 29 years old were selected. In-depth interview is used in this study to understand the influencing factors of trust in Zibo government from the perspective of eight young adult users. By employing social support theory, the finding indicates that emotional support, financial support and informational support all pays an important role in TikTok young adult users’ trust in Zibo government. As a conclusion, in order to promote sustainable development and young adults’ trust in government, policymakers are supposed to pay more attention to providing emotional support, financial support and informational support from the government.

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