Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) – international scientific journal

E-ISSN 1994-4195.

Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.
Issued from 2005.

4 December 15, 2022

1. Ludmila Brusenskaya, Irina Belyaeva, Victor Barabash
Conflictogenic Units in Modern Media Communication

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 523-530.

The article studies lingual lexical and grammatical units that can be qualified (sometimes – in strictly defined contextual conditions) as conflictogens. A conflict text, being the result of a verbally expressed communicative clash of different views, inevitably includes units with explicit pejorative meaning. The analysis of such units is very important, since taking into consideration their pragmatic co-meanings makes it possible to form a culture of conflict interaction and, therefore, to cultivate a public communicative space. Based on the material of media discourse (especially media discourse of 2022), using linguopragmatic, sociolinguistic and contextual analysis, pragmatic characteristics of units that can be characterized as conflictogens have been determined. With the obvious disharmony of the interests between a person using a nomination and the object of the nomination, they do not violate social and ethical-linguistic standards. It seems the presented examples – antonomasias, the plural pejorative, zoomorphisms, precedent names and substandard nominations – do not contradict the principles of cultural conflict communication and therefore are quite possible in media space.

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2. Berkay Bulus, Muzaffer Musab Yilmaz, Metin Isik, Ummugulsum Korkmaz Bulus
The Implementation of Adult Digital Literacy: Analysis of the Adult Digital Literacy in South Korea and Turkey

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 531-545.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.531CrossRef

This study explores adult digital literacy practices in South Korea and Turkey according to their contents, perspectives and scopes. The main purpose of the study is to present a general portrait of adult digital literacy practices in both countries by revealing how these policies are constructed. Using a qualitative content analysis research approach, the study allowed us to take a comprehensive view of adult digital literacy contents and understand how this phenomenon is defined. Adult digital literacy implementations were divided into codes, then the obtained data were tabulated. The analysis enabled to view the differences and similarities on how adult digital literacy is being addressed in these two countries. Also, the findings allowed us to discuss the perspectives and scopes of adult digital literacy practices with digital literacy theories and critical literacy theories. We believe this study will benefit practitioners, educators and policymakers.

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3. Irina Chelysheva, Galina Mikhaleva
Prospects for Contemporary Media Education in Russia Based on Feature Films in the Focus of Family Education: A Theoretical Review of the Problem

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 546-551.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.546CrossRef

The article examines family education as reflected in Russian cinema art in the context of using media education potential. As is known, media education has a very strong educational potential and is one of the key factors in understanding audiovisual media production. In the current situation, it becomes increasingly obvious that media education for the younger generation should become not just a tool for comprehending the media space, but also a key that opens the doors of meanings and images hidden in the media reality. Over the years, the issues of family education have been reflected in films of various genres – comedies, dramas, adventure and detective films, etc. And the family image presented in different historic periods has also been ambiguous. It is known that cinema is an important factor in the socialization of the younger generation that is able to form a picture of the world, values, spiritual and moral orientations. That is why cinema art has a powerful educational impact on today’s youth, the modern digital generation.

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4. Alexey Demidov, Elena Lomteva
Behavior of Young People in the Media Environment

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 552-561.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.552CrossRef

Based on the materials of the conducted sociological research and analysis of the situation, the article examines the problems of youth media consumption and its influence on the formation of stereotypes of behavior from different angles. On the one hand, media consumption is considered as a factor influencing the successful socialization of the younger generation and the most effective in-depth career guidance, on the other hand, as a negative factor affecting the quality of processing and analysis of the information received in an avalanche, which undoubtedly negatively affects both the psychological and physical health of young people and the increasing vulnerability of young people to illegal and political manipulation. At the same time, the reverse side of media consumption, for example, computer games, is also the involvement of young people in gambling virtual games, as well as the formation of gambling addiction. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that uncontrolled pastime on the net, neglect of the protection of personal information, associated with the virtual absence of the formation of a national policy of information security culture of the individual, associated with a clear lack of training and skills development in the education system, as well as in the family and in society in the region. media education, especially in the context of information wars, will lead both to a number of destructive consequences in the field of youth and information policy in general, and to the degradation of the individual in particular. The materials obtained during the study and preparation of the article can be used by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs in order to determine areas of activity in the field of youth policy to prevent cyber threats, as well as to develop measures on working with youth in terms of informing them about working in an information-safe environment.

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5. Sanobar Djumanova
Historical Formation of the Concepts of Media Literacy Education, Fact-Checking among the Peoples of the Ancient East (on the Example of Uzbekistan)

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 562-573.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.562CrossRef

The ancient East was the cradle of many sciences, scientists, thinkers, statesmen and rulers founded many sciences. If we study them scientifically, we will witness historical manifestations of information literacy, media literacy, fact-checking and information evaluation, which today are considered as neologisms. By the methods and principles used to determine truth and falsehood, originality and fake in the verbal science taught in the madrasah, it can be a historical overview of information literacy and fact-checking tools. The article analyzes ancient sources and works in the context of media education, and the results obtained can be used as a didactic basis for the introduction of media education in such subjects as history and literature. The study of advanced foreign experience in media education, the identification of acceptable theories and models, the improvement of media literacy of the function of the educational system based on determining the level of media consumption and media literacy of Uzbek youth, the form and mechanisms for the implementation of national models of media education, the requirements for the degree, stages of implementation, training along with the development of recommendations by definition of content, the study of national, spiritual and historical foundations of media education.

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6. Alexander Fedorov
Theoretical Concepts of Film Studies in the Cinema Art Journal During the Perestroika Era: 1986−1991

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 574-599.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.574CrossRef

The analysis of film studies concepts (in the context of the sociocultural and political situation, etc.) of the existence of the Cinema Art journal during the period of "perestroika" (1986−1991) showed that theoretical works on cinematic subjects during this period can be divided into the following types: - scientific-publicistic articles written under the influence of perestroika trends of change in Soviet society, including the sphere of cinema (V. Fomin, E. Gromov, S. Dobrotvorsky, S. Lavrentiev, etc.). - theoretical articles and discussions dedicated primarily to professional issues: analysis of the theoretical heritage of the classics of Soviet cinema, directing, the problem of "Cinema and the Spectator," etc. (Y. Bogomolov, E. Levin, I. Levshina, N. Klimontovich, L. Mamatova, M. Turovskaya, M. Yampolsky, M. Zak, etc.); - theoretical articles on foreign cinematography (S. Lavrentiev, V. Matizen, O. Reisen, and others). Overall, between 1986 and 1991 the Cinema Art journal significantly shifted away from the former ideological stereotypes of Soviet film studies, and took a radical re-examination of the history of Soviet and world cinema, as well as an objective evaluation of contemporary film production.

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7. Ella Kulikova, Victor Barabash
The Language of Tolerance and the Problem of Non-Ecological Elements in Mass Media

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 600-606.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.600CrossRef

Tolerance and political correctness as social regulatives also extend to the field of lingual standards in mass media. The application of the concept of tolerance to linguistic normativity (The application of the concept of tolerance to linguistic normativity seem to be undertaken for the first time by L.P. Krysin) has received wide resonance and it has been reflected in grammatical descriptions and lexicography. The article attempts to analyze the phenomenon of tolerance in relation to the lexical, grammatical and ethical-linguistic standards of the modern Russian language, as well as to investigate the correlation of the concepts of “tolerance” and “linguoecology”. The analysis of media discourse with the identification of the linguoecological essence of its fragments is carried out; the possibility of interpreting the role of linguistic substandard units in mass media based on the ideas of tolerance and political correctness is discussed. Media discourse is rightly considered to be a generalized model of the national language used by the majority of people. Using the methods of sociolinguistic and linguopragmatic analysis, the authors have studied the correlation of the concepts of language tolerance, linguoecology, substandard and normativity.

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8. Jinchen Liu
Influence of Soviet Union on Early Documentaries in China

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 607-616.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4. 607CrossRef

Documentary follows the idea of recording facts, and truly shoots the unrepeatable time flow, which has irreplaceable documentary value and practical significance. Because of its special political relationship with the Soviet Union, China had a very close exchange and study with it in politics, economy, and culture and so on for a long period of history. The early Chinese documentaries were greatly influenced by the Soviet Union, which included ideas, structures, aesthetics, functions and other aspects. This influence was of great significance to the future development of Chinese documentaries. But scholars' research on Chinese documentaries mostly concentrated after 1949 (the founding of the People's Republic of China), they paid little attention to documentaries during the Republic of China. In fact, the Republic of China was the initial stage of the development of Chinese documentary. The social environment and political pattern in this period were crucial to the formation and development of Chinese documentary films. This paper will comprehensively sort out the process of Chinese documentary films influenced by the Soviet Union from 1911 to 1966 from two aspects, explain its historical reasons, and analyze its strengths and weaknesses, so that reader can have a clearer, deeper and more comprehensive understanding of this.

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9. Elena Muryukina, Olga Gorbatkova
Media Educational Technologies in Teaching Schoolchildren and Students in the Age of Digital Transformation

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 617-623.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.617CrossRef

Currently, media education is being actively introduced into Russian schools and universities. The process of media education is presented as an integral system in the context of representation of meaningful constructs. The results of the study allow us to state that in the era of digital transformation, media educational technologies are able to act as an effective tool in the professional activities of a teacher of a general education or higher educational institution. This fact is due to a combination of conditions, among which we have identified the following: intensive development of digital technologies; increasing media exposure to the younger generation; expansion of the area of implementation of media education technologies. As our practical experience has shown, the use of the above technologies of media education in the process of analyzing media texts in a school, student audience will allow not only to comprehensively study media works, but to form one's own point of view about it, develop analytical skills and critical autonomy of the individual, which will help increase the level of media literacy. The authors provide a set of effective media education technologies that are integrated in the education of schoolchildren/students; the results of this integration are presented.

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10. Lyudmila Seliverstova, Lyudmila Buzinova, Anastasia Levitskaya
Ideological Format of the Children's First Reader/Alphabet Book

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 624-633.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.624CrossRef

This article about ideological format of the children's first reader/alphabet book (on the material of the Russian-language textbooks).The article elaborates upon the role of ideologemes in the first textbooks that teach literacy to children. The stable verbal compounds as well as visual means in educational texts can act as representatives of ideological attitudes. The empirical research embraces the selection of ABC books (primers, alphabet books) and first readers published in Russian in pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet Russia in the period from 1903 to the present. The authors conclude that the basic universal values actualized by ideologemes do not undergo significant changes over time, while the socio-political artificially formed (phantom) ones transform or disappear.

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11. Elena Shmeleva, Pavel Kislyakov, Svetlana Lantsova, Anna Surkova
Media Resources in the Raising of Prosocial Behavior of Schoolchildren

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 634-644.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.634CrossRef

One of the relevant and insufficiently developed topics in modern education is the use of a media-educational approach in the education of prosocial behavior of schoolchildren. The purpose of the article is to study the prosocial content of the popular VKontakte media resource, as well as to identify the attitude of teenagers to posts asking for help in social networks. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, quantitative and qualitative analysis, focus group method. The sample included students of grades 8-9 (n = 34 people). As a result of the study, it turned out that the most popular areas of prosocial activity in VKontakte among subscribers are calls for help to animals and solving environmental problems. Schoolchildren are interested in charity content, especially presented in photo, video, and short personal history formats, but they do not read posts that cause negative emotions and, in general, do not trust calls for help. Most teenagers call helping another person an important thing, sharing the humanistic principles of helping. Due to the popularity among schoolchildren, social networks are an effective tool for broadcasting altruism, empathy, values of helping other people and society, which allows them to be used in media education of prosocial activity of adolescents.

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12. Yang Yang, Hamedi Mohd Adnan
The Addiction Use of Wechat Among Young Adults in China During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 645-655.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.645CrossRef

During the Covid-19 pandemic, WeChat has gradually become an indispensable social media interaction tool in the life of Chinese people. More than 90 percent Chinese people would log into WeChat every day in the first-tier cities of China. Due to the rising number of WeChat users, it is worth investigating the addiction of WeChat among young adults and to what extent, WeChat is able to create addiction among Chinese young adults. It is also imperative to understand which aspects of WeChat that users are addicted to. This study examines the addiction of WeChat among young adults. In-depth interview is used in this study to understand ten WeChat users’ addictive behaviour. By using the Time Perspective Theory, the findings indicate that Present Fatalistic orientations tend to have addiction behaviour while Present Hedonistic orientations also have chance to be addicted. The findings suggest user’s addiction behaviour is related to the following four categories: WeChat friendship/relationship addiction, WeChat activity addiction, WeChat information addiction, and miscellaneous WeChat addiction. As a conclusion, users’ with Present Fatalistic orientations and Present Hedonistic orientations tend to have WeChat addiction behaviour and they are more likely to have WeChat friendship/relationship addiction and WeChat information addiction.

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13. Inga Zashikhina
Cinema Feminist Agenda as a Source for Gender Studies

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4): 656-666.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.656CrossRef

The present article analyses the philosophical potential of a film for gender education. The researcher contemplates the outcomes of the course Feminist Approaches in Social and Political Theories taken by the 4-th year bachelor university students. As a final task the students submitted essays on the problems of feminist studies presented in five popular feature films with feminist agenda: Suffragette, The Iron Lady, Little Women, The Help, Colette. The found gender-related problems were to be discussed in the essay and grounded with the theoretical material of the course. It was also necessary to incorporate the terms of feminist studies covered in the course into the analysis of the essay. In this article, the author outlines the plots of the listed films with feminist agenda. Then the researcher points out feminist issues of the films as they were given in the students’ works. Fourteen gender-related problems are listed. Most often and less often discussed gender questions are systematized. The applied terms are summarized. The article provides personal students’ stances towards gender-related issues reflected in their analysis. The work highlights students’ perception of cinema use for educational purposes. In the end, the author recaps the educational experience of the students and their overall evaluation of the educational cinematic journey.

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