Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) – international scientific journal

E-ISSN 1994-4195.

Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.
Issued from 2005.

3 September 09, 2022

1. Natalia Avdonina, Lidiya Zaitseva, Nikita Kuprikov, Mikhail Kuprikov
Analysis of Media Literacy Among Students of the Journalism Training Program

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 327-335.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.327CrossRef

In modern society, the issues of media literacy seem to be especially relevant due to the spread of fake information and unverified news. Analysis of the level of media literacy as a competence of future journalists seems to be a promising area of scientific and practical research. This is especially true, since journalists are both authors and consumers of information. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, the concept of media literacy is analyzed. As the main methods, a pedagogical experiment and a mass questionnaire are used. To achieve the goal of the study, the authors conducted a mass questionnaire survey to determine the level of media literacy of the first and fourth year students of the Journalism Training Program at Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation). The survey included three parts: media consumption habits, behavior as an author, and media trust. The survey was supplemented by a pedagogical experiment: students were asked to identify fake and real news. Only four of the seven proposed texts and two of the fake news were identified correctly by the students. As a result, the authors came to the conclusion that a special education in the field of journalism and initial experience in the media sphere does not guarantee a high level of media literacy.

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2. Ludmila Brusenskaya, Irina Belyaeva, Alina Kotaeva
Implicit Expression of Negative Evaluative Meaning in the Context of Modern Linguoconflictology (based on the Media Text)

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 336-341.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.336CrossRef

The authors study linguistic units characterized only by contextually determined semantics of negative connotation, including in the broad context of the situation. It is proved that implicit evaluative statements, for example, using precedent nouns, do not always make the connotation lighter and help to avoid a conflict situation. In the article, based on the modern media sources, using cognitive-pragmatic analysis, the authors study the possibilities of implicit expression of negative evaluative meaning. The mismatch of the two plans of the linguistic sign (meaning/expression) determines the categories of implicitness and explicitness. Implicitness is also due to the absence of isomorphism of denotation and signification. It is possible with implicit components to express information compactly and dynamically, to actualize its rhematic part, and in the case of expressing negative connotative meanings, implicitness helps to observe social prohibitions and prevent conflict communication.

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3. Irina Chelysheva
Schoolchildren's Family Values Formation in Russian National Cinematograph Works: Media Education Aspect

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 342-348.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.342CrossRef

The problem of family, family relations and basic family values formation is very essential nowadays. The difficulties and problems of the modern families lie in unreadiness and unwillingness of young people to take the responsibility for the closest people, inability to cope with even slight obstacles in life, provoke a great number of divorces and don’t promote strengthening and saving of the best family traditions characteristic for Russian family relations culture. In the article media educational abilities of schoolchildren’s family values formation in works of Russian cinematograph are displayed. The problem is viewed in the context of modern students’ audience preparation (future teachers, psychologists, youth work organizers) for professional activity with schoolchildren in conditions of media clubs’ activity, work in media studios, school media centres and so on. The basic directions of media educational activity, aimed at modern scholars’ family values formation are based on the complex approach to the analysis of audiovisual media text, including sociocultural context study, basic plot lines characteristics, main and optional characters’ family relations models investigation, composition of comparative characteristics of family happiness principles, manifested in films of different years, study and analysis of professional materials of media critics and media educationalists, devoted to this or that work of cinematograph and so on. In the process of feature films analysis, the main goals of media education are viewed, consisting in self-directed selection, analytical evaluation and media text interpretation realization, and also audiovisual space creative expansion with the purpose of modern schoolchildren’s horizon, creative abilities, critical thinking development.

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4. Piotr Drzewiecki
Ageism in Sports as a Cinematic Motif Based on Films by Charles Stone III

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 349-355.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.349CrossRef

The issue of old age in sports is rarely tackled by film directors, as one would be hard-pressed to see this juxtaposition as culturally justified. However, two films directed by Charles Stone III – Mr. 3000 (2004) and Uncle Drew (2018) – both clearly focus on these issues, addressing the issue of ageism in sports, where an old person has to be excluded from participating in a competitions, as shown by the main message of both of the analysed films. The study was conducted on the basis of qualitative analysis of films as media messages, focusing on three levels of problems – historical and social, semiotic, as well as ethical. The author sought answers to a set of questions, including the historical and social context of the phenomenon of ageism in sports as depicted in the analysed films directed by Charles Stone III? In what manner is the issue of ageism framed in a symbolic way that reveals the myths and ideologies regarding perceptions of youth and sports, which prevail in the American society? In the course of the study, the author managed to challenge the cultural convention of the opposition of youth and old age by pointing to the psychological, rather than just physical, basis for discovering one’s identity as a senior citizen.

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5. Alexander Fedorov
Soviet Cinema in the Mirror of Crocodile magazine

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 356-369.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.356CrossRef

The analysis of the materials published in Crocodile magazine about Soviet cinema shows that under censorship the magazine often published critical reviews of the entertainment genres films, directors of which were not acclaimed by the officials. In those rather rare cases, when the work of renowned film directors were subjected to feuilleton criticism (for example, Russian souvenir by G. Alexandrov), most likely this had been previously agreed on by authorities. Meanwhile, the unauthorized Crocodile’s attack on the “ideologically correct” Soviet film (the incident with the adventure film Invisible Jan) caused a negative reaction of the authorities and the corresponding reprimand of the magazine’s editorial board. The Crocodile’s choice of films for its satirical arrows was largely random, since very often artistically very weak, but very popular Soviet films remained unnoticed by the magazine, while films which either failed to collect a large box-office, or were of true artistic value, for some reason became the subject of caustic ridicule of Crocodile’s feuilletonists and reviewers. The era of perestroika spared the Crocodile from censorship, which significantly reflected on the topics of magazine feuilletons about Soviet cinema, but at the same time it marked the beginning of the crisis of both the satirical magazine, and the Soviet cinema.

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6. Svitlana Fiialka
Technical University Students’ Media Literacy When They Choose Scientific Journals for Reading and Publishing

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 370-379.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.370CrossRef

The aim of the study was to identify students’ attitudes to scientific journals as a source of scientific information and the platform for publishing their own scientific results. The study was conducted in National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kyiv, Ukraine). Quantitative analysis of 7 closed ended responses, and qualitative analysis of 20 open ended responses were done. The study population included students (n = 720) of the fourth and fifth courses. The survey questionnaire captured the attitudes of students about scientific journals and their role in professional development, found out what percentage of students reads scientific journals, revealed whether the students understand information from them, as well as their ability to identify predatory journals thanks to media literacy. Predatory journals use to disseminate falsified, plagiarized, manipulative information, conspiracy theories, deviating from the publishing standards of editing and reviewing. Predatory publishing threats science, scientific communication, and the reputation of authors. We evaluated the level of critical thinking of students when choosing a source to publish scientific results, found out the reasons why students use or do not use scientific journals for their educational purposes, revealed how scientific journal can be used for education, and collected opinions about barriers that may prevent students from publishing scientific articles.

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7. Elena Frolova, Olga Rogach, Alexander Tyurikov
Student's Media Competence: New Opportunities to Counteract Information Manipulations In Network Interactions

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 380-389.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.380CrossRef

The purpose of the study was to assess the media competence of students, to determine the possibilities and limitations for its formation in the context of the intensification of digital network interactions. The focus of the study is on studying the skills of students in terms of assessing the reliability of information sources, the adequacy and completeness of information, as a tool to counter information manipulations. The key research method was a questionnaire survey of students (N = 148). A low level of formation of media competence of students in terms of skills for assessing the reliability of an information source has been established, which becomes a factor in the vulnerability of students in the context of the spread of disinformation. Established the presence of dysfunctions that impede the formation of media competence: a test system for assessing knowledge, the absence of special tasks aimed at developing the skills of searching, evaluating using information. The functional weakness of higher education in terms of the formation of ethical principles of digital interaction of students has been established. The conclusion is made about the demand for a reflective pedagogical method, collective discussion of media texts, work on media platforms.

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8. Anastasia Levitskaya
Theoretical Concepts of Film Studies in Cinema Art Journal: 1956–1968

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 390-438.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.390CrossRef

An analysis of film studies concepts (in the context of the sociocultural and political situation, etc.) in the existence of the Cinema Art journal during the Thaw (1956–1968) showed that theoretical works on cinematic subjects during this period can be divided into the following types: - theoretical articles written in support of the Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party on culture (including cinematography), "thaw" trends, but still defending the inviolability of socialist realism, Communist Party in cinematography (A. Anikst, E. Gromov, A. Karaganov, L. Kogan, N. Lebedev, G. Nedoshivin, D. Pisarevsky, V. Razumny, L. Stolovich, V. Tolstykh, E. Weitsman, R. Yurenev, M. Zak, A. Zis and others); - theoretical articles opposing bourgeois influences, contrasting them with communist ideology and class approaches (N. Abramov, V. Bozhovich, S. Ginzburg, I. Katsev, G. Kunitsyn, A. Mikhalevich, V. Murian, G. Nedoshivin, A. Novogrudski, L. Pogozheva, N. Semenov, L. Stolovich, Y. Sher, V. Shcherbina, I. Weisfeld, E. Weitzman, A. Zis, etc.) - theoretical articles devoted mainly to professional problems: an analysis of the theoretical heritage of the classics of Soviet cinema, directing, film dramaturgy, genres, the specifics of television, etc. (S. Asenin, E. Bagirov, J. Bereznitsky, M. Bleiman, S. Freilikh, S. Ginzburg, E. Dobin, I. Dolinsky, L. Kozlov, V. Kolodyazhnaya, A. Macheret, S. Muratov, E. Plazhevsky, M. Romm, A. Svobodin, A. Tarkovsky, A. Vartanov, I. Weisfeld, R. Yurenev, S. Yutkevich, V. Zhdan, etc.); - theoretical articles balancing ideological and professional approaches to cinema (S. Gerasimov, I. Weisfeld, R. Yurenev, etc.); - theoretical articles calling on the authorities to ensure an organizational transformation that would encourage the intensive development of film studies as a science, and the sociology of cinema (N. Lebedev, H. Khersonsky, R. Yurenev). In general, the course toward de-Stalinization taken by Nikita Khrushchev at the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party resulted in a noticeable updating of the content of the Cinema Art journal: its articles contained fewer dogmatic approaches, it generated lively discussion material, and the former harsh criticisms of the "formalistic" theories of S. Eisenstein, L. Kuleshov, V. Pudovkin and D. Vertov were revised. The journal began to actively support the most artistically brilliant Soviet Thaw films. The rude attacks on certain figures of Soviet cinematography that had been characteristic of the journal in the 1930s and 1940s almost completely disappeared. At the same time, our content analysis of the Cinema Art from 1956 to 1968 showed that after N. Khrushchev was ousted from power, support for the "thaw" tendencies in the journal gradually decreased, and a series of articles against the revisionism of socialist ideas and the harmful foreign influence on Soviet filmmakers was published in connection with the Czechoslovak events of 1968. At the same time, the support of a number of artistically significant Soviet films that did not receive notable approval from the authorities and a rather diverse panorama of cinematic life of foreign countries in the pages of the Cinema Art journal eventually led to initiated "from above" strongly critical articles directed against it (in the Ogonyok magazine) and eventually to the removal of the editor-in-chief L. Pogozheva.

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9. Jinchen Liu
Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to Analyze the News Media in the Republic of China: Newsreel

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 439-447.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.439CrossRef

China's newsreel was born in the year before the founding of the Republic of China, and developed rapidly during the Republic of China, becoming the mainstream news media at that time. Before the appearance of television, newsreel was the only news media with both audio and video, which had the characteristics of news and movies, was very popular with the audience and was highly valued by the government and personages of all circles. The function of newsreels in the Republic of China is far more than providing news and entertainment. It’s more important function is to serve as the propaganda weapon and educational tool of the government. However, the most important reason why newsreels were so popular at that time was that they met the needs of audiences to a greater extent than other news media. This paper uses Maslow's hierarchy of needs and news psychology to study how newsreels in the Republic of China educated audiences, explore the potential relationship between news media and audiences, and analyze how newsreels met the needs of audiences. Studying the influence of newsreels on audiences in the Republic of China can promote the development of current news media.

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10. Boris Misonzhnikov, Alla Teplyashina, Victor Borschenko
Terms of Digital Communication in the Media Education Process

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 448-458.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.448CrossRef

The article investigates the process of formation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the new segment, whose activities are based on the use of digital information and communication technologies – Internet media, websites, forums, multifunctional web portals, blog platforms, wiki projects, search engines, social networks, audio and video hosts, messengers, service applications, and much more. The research focuses on the problem of digital media terminology in the paradigm of the media education process. It is important to identify the genesis, typology and functioning of the system of terminological usage, and to analyze it in the framework of terminology studies. Considerable attention in this article is paid to the sphere of knowledge of media educators. The concept of "special vocabulary" is considered as a scientific definition. The most important and relevant concepts, representing methodological terminology, are identified. The article reveals the content of the requirements for the terms of new media. The pragmatic requirements, conditioned by the term specific functioning, are singled out; they include the following ones: adaptability, modernity, internationality and euphony of the term. With regard to the problem in question, the aim of text-based professional vocabulary teaching is to develop students' language competence in the context of media education. The study showed that students can successfully complete professional media thesaurus tasks in the classroom. They gain experience by studying professional media language in the Journalism for Schoolchildren unit and by independently producing vocabulary articles on new digital media communication terms.

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11. Olga Pechinkina, Tatiana Vepreva
Portrayal of Schoolteachers Presented by Newspaper Izvestia in Late Soviet Union and Contemporary Russia

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 459-470.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.459CrossRef

Public image of people of different jobs is constantly changing in the course of time. Newspapers have always played a crucial role in representation of teachers, but the role of mass media in this process these days is hard to overestimate. To trace the transformation of teacher representation in national newspapers the authors speed-read 760 issues of the Russian broadsheet Izvestia in three different years. As a result, a final sample of 205 articles containing the word “teacher” in their headlines was chosen. The current study applied qualitative media and content analysis. The data received were analyzed and calculated with the help of statistical method. The use of these research methods allowed the authors to classify topics communicated to the readers into several groups and count the percentage of teacher concerned articles from the total number of mentioning in a year. Despite the fact that the number of selected articles over three time periods increased greatly, this research demonstrates the deterioration of schoolteacher representation by the newspaper studied. The present findings may help solve the shortcomings of teacher portrayal in mass media coverage and propose media to highlight more positive and optimistic news to restore and boost the profession status.

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12. Olga Petrova, Irina Belyakova
School Communities on VKontakte as Part of the Media Learning Environment: Teachers’ Media Competences

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 471-480.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.471CrossRef

The article addresses the issue of media competences of school teachers responsible for managing their schools’ social media accounts, communities, etc. The new types of communication, instant messengers, social networking websites and online learning platforms place modern education in a very special and sensitive environment with a shortened distance between the communicators, danger of personal or classroom information exposure and risks of damaging the reputation of the educational institution. Consequently, school principals and teachers face a problem of acquiring necessary competences in order to advantageously use their school online communities. We surveyed school employees responsible for managing their schools’ virtual accounts and revealed that school teachers do not professionalize their management of social media networks: they neither include it in the sphere of pedagogical competence nor correlate it with journalism. Besides, they feel lack of motivation due to little support from the school administration. We claim that the duty to manage schools’ social media pages should be perceived in the context of the media competence theory and include the ability to collect and process information, produce multimedia content, manage creative teams and form social media communities. This activity should be monitored by school principals and duly rewarded.

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13. Jacob Owusu Sarfo, Arturo García-Santillán, Rafael Valdece Sousa Bastos, Priscilla Yeye Adumoah Attafuah
Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version (SAS-SV) among Mexican Adolescents: A Network Psychometric Approach

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 481-490.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.481CrossRef

The original Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version (SAS-SV) was developed and validated using adolescents from South Korea. Although researchers often adapted SAS-SV into Spanish and used it among Mexican populations, there is no extensive psychometric report on the scale in current literature among adolescents in high schools. In this study, we sought to report on the psychometricproperties of the SAS-SV with Mexican adolescents in the metropolitan area of Veracruz-Boca del Río. High school students ranging in age from 14 to 18 (M= 16.04, SD= 1.2, 50.63 % male, 49.36 % female, N= 158) completed the Spanish version of the SAS-SV. Based on robust analytical procedures and standardised theories, we reduced the original 10 items to 7 and conducted a network analysis to see the relationship between the reduced items. Our reduced scales indicate high internal consistency and goodness of fit of the confirmatory factor analysis statistics. Our 7-item SAS-SV (Mexican-Spanish version) offers a viable and parsimonious opportunity to measure smartphone addictions among adolescents. Our study has implications for research, adolescent mental health and policy.

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14. Nadezhda Semashkina, Ekaterina Khovanova
Anthropocentric Model of Corporate Media Discourse

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 491-498.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.491CrossRef

The article deals with a person as an object of anthropocentric research of corporate media discourse. The researchers identify the structure of the discourse with a person in its center on the example of the print edition of a large Russian manufacturer United Metallurgical Company (OMK, Moscow). The representation of a person (an employee of the enterprise) is propounded within the anthropocentric model: thematization of professional achievements, personal qualities and hobbies; types of media images; visualization elements, language tools, etc. The purpose of authors is to reveal distinctive media images presented on the pages of the corporate print edition. The object of the study is the texts published in the issues of the corporate print edition over the years. The relevance of the research is determined by the importance of a complex study of the anthropocentric model of corporate media discourse as part of reality, reflecting the features of the communicative practices of corporate media of commercial enterprises. The study was based on the traditional method of document analysis, continuous sampling and thematic analysis. Headings, topics, photos, visualization elements and language means of publications were used as units of the analysis. The obtained results allow us to actualize the types of media images within the anthropocentric model, contribute to the study of the specific features of internal communications within a commercial enterprise, allocate a wide range of means of constructing the discourse of a corporate print edition.

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15. Anita Šulentić, Tijana Vukić
Commercial Format FM Radio Stations for the Young in Croatia from the Perspective of the Education of Journalists

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(3): 499-520.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.499CrossRef

Croatia's century-old radio history is followed by a long tradition of radio studies, but the commercial format FM radio stations for the young has not yet been the subject of scientific research, although they have existed since 2014. This paper presents first Croatian research tracking changes in the radio industry due to radio convergence and program formatting. It aimed to identify key differences of work positions and employee characteristics compared to traditional radio from the perspective of the education of journalists, and investigate whether the study programmes educating journalists follow trends in the radio industry quickly enough. The study leans upon the theories of media convergence, radio program formatting, and formal education of journalists. For this longitudinal research, empirical data were collected in the period from 2018 to 2022 by interviewing and surveying radio directors, and the employees, and by analysing the study programmes' content. The key findings are: ten new work positions were created for which multidisciplinary journalistic competencies are needed, employees fill more than one work position, such radio stations have a larger number of employees, changes in newsrooms are frequent and large, and although a higher journalistic qualification is not a prerequisite for employment or a special contract, none of the journalists are employed part-time.

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