Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) – international scientific journal

E-ISSN 1994-4195.

Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.
Issued from 2005.

2 June 15, 2019

1. S.V. Akmanova, L.V. Kurzaeva, N.A. Kopylova
The Factor Model of the Media Educational Concept of Developing Lifelong Self-learning Individual Readiness

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 185-193.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.185CrossRef

The modern information age declares to each individual the need for continuous updating and perfection of knowledge in the field of media education, which is integrated into various spheres of educational activity and human life. The success of developing new things largely depends on self-learning individual readiness in the changing media environment. Therefore, self-learning individual preparation taking into account media realities should be given great attention during training students in higher educational establishments, forming their special competences that allow them to constantly update their level of knowledge and skills throughout their lives, both in the professional sphere and in their ordinary life. The acquired competences of self-learning will contribute to developing self-learning individual readiness, will enable individuals to master new professions and feel confident in a rapidly changing information world. The formation and development of self-learning individual readiness depends on many factors, both external to an individual and internal. The article presents and proves the factor model of our developed media educational concept of developing self-learning individual readiness, which establishes the basic mechanism of interrelation of an individual and his/her development environment, highlighting the groups of factors and their role in ensuring the conditions for developing lifelong self-learning individual readiness. The noted model will allow productively carry out the pedagogical design of the development process of self-learning individual readiness, both in the process of formal education and ajoint of formal and non-formal forms of education. The realization of this model will help an individual, after the graduation from the university, improve his self-learning readiness, taking into account constantly changing media conditions in the course of non-formal and informal education.

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2. Lubov Alekseeva, Inna Svyatchenko, Galina Zvereva
Educational Media Resources as a Means of Forming a New Content of Regional History in the Light of the Problem of Teachers' Readiness to Profess It to High School Students

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 194-206.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.194CrossRef

This article actualizes the importance of using media resources in the educational process as a means of updating and forming a new content of regional history. The characteristic is given of the current situation with the teaching of regional history in Russia and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area (KhMAO – Yugra). The authors identify the historical and socio-cultural features of the region, which influenced the formation of regional historical education which needs of modernization at the present stage. Teachers complement the outdated components of the current KhMAO history textbook with the media resources available on the Internet, including regional databases of information on the history of the region, focused on the portals of universities, libraries, museums, archives. These resources make it possible to expand the information opportunities of teaching regional history, as they help to fill the content of lessons with new data presented in scientific works, collections of documents, exhibitions of museums, video and photo documents. The authors identify the most popular types of media resources in the educational process. They determine the degree of teachers’ readiness to profess the history of the KhMAO – Yugra to high school students. The research was conducted on the basis of the teachers’ survey and results obtained through the experiment.

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3. Marina A. Berezhnaia
Aesthetic Criteria in Journalism in the Aspect of Professional Education

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 207-215.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.207CrossRef

The ability to find aesthetic solutions adequate to the creative concept, social task and target audience becomes an actual competence for journalists. Factors and components of journalistic content aesthetic evaluation, including temporal-stylistic, documentary, artistic, functional characteristics, as well as parameters of mass character / individuality, standard / uniqueness, make it possible to form basic aesthetic criteria clusters to be considered in journalistic creative work. Clusters of integrity, expressiveness, production and impression, correlated with professional coordinates, can serve as a basis for developing further parameters for evaluating aesthetic activity in journalism. The aesthetic and functional components interaction in journalistic education meets challenges of the modern media market, expands the range of professional practices and gives hope for humanistic perspectives of the industry. Unlike the subject disciplines in the curriculums, the aesthetics of journalism permeates professional training, synthesizes interdisciplinary interaction and reveals itself in practical product as the most important result of the pedagogical school activities.

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4. Larisa Bykasova, Natalia Vovchenko, Margarita Krewsoun
Modern Transmedia Products Architecture

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 216-223.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.216CrossRef

The choice of the article theme is determined by the necessity for media education reflection as a well-formed, qualitatively new paradigm of the national education; identifying the architectonics of the educational subject establishment experience in the media space; defining the geometry of the modern media market; analysing the media education as a cultural transmission in a society that initiates the upbringing and training from the first steps and accompanies a person throughout own’s life; as “a soft power” that increases the priority of Russian education in the global educational space. The modern media education in Russia is the most important platform for the cultural, economic, social, ethno-confessional personal development, that is why a strategic audit of basic pedagogical models, methodological principles, didactic methods, educational ideas which are developed with modern pedagogical science and practice, is required. The digital technologies are the ambitious mechanisms for creating a disciplinary matrix serving as the basis for the education, training and upbringing of person’s new type that meets the request of a modern society. The application of the advanced technologies in teaching, reinforcing the subject receptive ability, actualizing the education practice-oriented nature, changing the individual epistemic potential, creates the mechanisms for diversification and modernization of the modern media education determining the degree of a mediateized product influence on the educational strategy implementation. The showed criteria allow us to estimate the measure of educational organizations responsibility for the results and quality of the media education subject; to evaluate media providing new tools for work; to expand the range of trainees education, taking into account the involvement of existing and new media practices; to reflect the state of modern information and communication support; to develop media competencies; to form consciousness in taking advantage of new media; to explore the current architecture of modern transmedia products.

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5. Irina Chelysheva, Galina Mikhaleva
Life in a Global Village and Principles on Tolerance: the Role and Value of Marshall McLuhan’s Legacy

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 224-229.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.224CrossRef

The article discusses theoretical approaches to media and media culture introduced by the famous Canadian researcher Marshall McLuhan. The authors present modern studies examining the main principles of the well-known media researcher in the context of interrelations with such concepts as media reality, media communication, media education, globalization and tolerance. Special significance in the article is given to process analysis of creating media realism, its functioning in social settings and influence on perception, consciousness and behavior of a modern man living in the digital world whose all life aspects are inevitably connected with the media. The heritage of M. McLuhan had a significant impact on media education development. The flow of media information is constantly growing: there emerge new television channels, periodicals, Internet sites. The influence of mass media on an individual acquires an increasingly professional character: modern media affect people’s lifestyle, attitudes and values, culture of tolerance.

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6. Patricia Digón
Reality TV in the Classroom: a Model of Analysis and an Inquiry into a Spanish Talent Show

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 230-242.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.230CrossRef

Reality TV has a strong presence on many TV channels in many countries. The multitude of reality TV shows, alongside their vast variety of formats and content, their influential presence on prime time slots and the high audience share they can boast of, require educators to reflect on this television genre and to work with it in schools. In addition, students are consumers of these programmes, thereby reinforcing the idea of the importance of introducing such programmes in our classrooms as an object of study. In this article a model of analysis of reality television will be presented for use in the classroom. This model of analysis intends to include the dimensions that define media competence: language; technology; interaction processes; production and dissemination processes; ideology and values; and aesthetics. A brief analysis of a Spanish talent show based on these six dimensions will be also presented in this article, sampling the questions included in the model of analysis.

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7. Alexander Fedorov
The Heritage of Yuri Lotman, Umberto Eco and Vladimir Propp in the Context of Media Literacy Education

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 243-248.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.243CrossRef

The material for this article was the works of V. Propp, Y. Lotman and U. Eco in the context of semiotic approaches and media educational opportunities. The author of the article fully agrees with U. Eco's opinion that modern society is unthinkable without (self) media education of a person, because in the near future our society will split into two – those who do without critical selection of received information in their contacts with the media, and those who are able to select and process information. At the same time, it is necessary to teach people to choose the most important and useful things, because if they do not learn to do so, access to all this information will be completely useless. Thus, the selection and processing/reasoning/analysis of media texts is the basis of media competence in the 21st century. Studying the media and virtual world requires knowledge and skills from different fields. In this context, the scientific heritage of V. Propp, Y. Lotman and U. Eco is truly inexhaustible and fits perfectly into the main spectrum of media education tasks, both at higher and secondary schools.

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8. Elena Frolova, Olga Rogach, Tatyana Ryabova
Mediatization of Tourism: New Trends and Tourist Attraction in the Online Space

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 249-257.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.249CrossRef

The article deals with the characteristics of the media content of tourist orientation, presented in the online network space, analyzes the specifics of reflection and formation of tourist attractiveness in the media reality. The empirical base of the study was the results of the content analysis of the reviews of tourists posted on the Internet, as well as other sociological studies characterizing the attitude of consumers to different media. Digital media in modern conditions are among the most popular sources of information about tourist services and products. These trends are determined by the advantages of information placed in the online network space: relevance, versatility, interactivity, hypertextuality, multimedia, accessibility. The outcomes of the outlook for tourism advancement by the help of the media were also discussed. Tourism media, as well as the expansion flow and evolution regarding receiving and construction and increasing the information to respond to the key questions of the development of tourism industry, were studied such as infrastructure equipment and services and the potential of the tourist industry. The content of cyber media was found to be helpful in consolidating the issues and modes and practical cases of various tourist groups, as well as representing the expectations and interests of tourism industry consumers. The popularity of media content has created vast opportunities for creators and users of information including personalization of demands, flexible communication, and the feasibility of introducing characters by presenting in virtual online space about the time spent on holidays.

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9. A.A. Kazakov
Polarized Political Texts: a Possible Way to Measure Their Manipulative Capacity

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 258-268.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.258CrossRef

Within the realm of modern media education studies, there is plenty of scholarship on the tools journalists use to manipulate public conscience. Far less frequently, attempts are made to create mechanisms to quantitatively express manipulative capacity of media texts. One of the possible ways to measure manipulative efficacy of polarized political messages (both online and in print) is substantiated in this article. The author’s approach is based on fifteen parameters each of which is subjected to quantitative measurement in relation to a certain media story. Those parameters are (but not limited to) evaluative statements within headlines and subheadings, balance (i.e. amount of page space devoted to an alternative view), sources of information, quantity of emotion-laden words and precedent names, degree to which main arguments are well-founded. The article also contains results of this evaluation system beta-testing conducted on the basis of twelve online pieces from two American and three Russian newspapers. Key methodological limitations of this approach are formulated, further ways to optimize it are laid down.

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10. Viktor Khorolsky, Evgeny Kozhemyakin
Media Education, Media Industry, Mass Media Theory: Interrelations and Conflict of Interests

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 269-277.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.269CrossRef

The article deals with some informational aspects of human sciences cooperation and conflicting interests in media education amplification. The purpose of authors is to show application of journalism and communication studies interdisciplinary conjunction for media competence fostering during academic curricula courses in journalism departments, which face numerous restrictions and limitations. Extension of notion “media” under conditions of new media and digitalization is pinpointed. The scheme of media text characteristics, based on the journalistic vision of media education mission, is revaluated and propounded; texts analysis methodology adapted for pedagogical tasks of mass media actors is highlighted. The conclusions are drawn about ambivalent gist of “mediality problem” (media module in cultural context) and the idea that different professional shops in media education can cooperate only by taking into account the strictness of cross-disciplinary demarcation lines. However, media education encourages practical use of critical approach and concrete findings of media text analysis while mass media theory tends for a deeper and more contextually oriented view on media information with the focus on textual-contextual presuppositions. We claim that the encounter of goals, objects and means of media education, media industry and mass media theory roots in commercialized nature of media industry and widespread audience’s mistrust in media content verity.

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11. Yuriy Klyuev, Vitaly Poznin, Daria Zubko
Teaching Future Journalists Media Research Methodology Using Digital Technologies

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 278-285.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.278CrossRef

The process of teaching the future journalists the basics of media education requires the use of advanced research methods of the media environment, which are based on modern information and digital technologies. The article reveals the essence of the concepts of "information technology" and "digital technology". It is noted that the problems of the media market development at the present stage are associated with the lack of research methods used or deviations from them, which increases the risk of inaccurate analysis results. In this regard, it is appropriate to talk about the need for greater responsibility of firms, companies and services conducting research in the field of communications and media. In the practice of media research in Russia and abroad, one can constantly observe the transformation of traditional types and methods of media research (the study of website audiences with the help of counters of visits, cookies etc.). Every year the role and importance of expert communities that can help to the effective development of the media research industry increases. One of the prospective areas that can contribute to the development and improvement of media research is the introduction of cloud computing and digital processing of large amounts of data (big data) and the expansion of artificial intelligence. They are connected with the development and increasing relevance of new information and digital technologies that can respond to new challenges of a humanistic and ethical nature. These circumstances intensify the need for a comprehensive study of new tools of media research by future journalists in higher education institutions. The article presents the main promising methods of studying the media, carried out with the use of information and digital technologies. It is identified the most important competencies, which is necessary for successful media research in the modern world.

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12. E.G. Kulikova, L.A. Brusenskaya
Social Anti-drug Advertising in the Modern Media as a Factor of National Security

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 286-295.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.286CrossRef

The provision of counter-narcotics activities can not rely solely on the criminal and law categories, but obviously involves complex of social actions. The informational component objectively becomes one of the priorities of modern anti-drug policy. In the context of expanding drugs, social advertising should and must become a conductor of restrictive anti-drug policy. It is antidrug advertising that can reduce the pressure of the drug environment and form an antidrug image of the world. The methodological basis of this investigation is the unity of the general, psycholinguistic, linguistic and law methods. The whole range of facts observed in the discourse – lexical units and grammatical forms, which provides social advertising is the subject of the study. The analysis is conducted at different levels – at the macro- (i.e. in the context of modern ideas of globalization, discursive strategies) and microlevel (psycholinguistic and linguistic and law analysis of the text, sentence, phrase and word). A comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of social advertising, dedicated to drug prevention demanded the usage of the tools of the theory of speech activity, the theory of speech acts, support on ideas and methods of cognitive science. Social advertising is essentially a projective activity aimed at social transformations.

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13. I.M. Kyshtymova, C.C.Kyshtymova
Particularities in the Perception of the Characters of ‘The Walking Dead’ TV Drama by Teenagers

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 296-308.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.296CrossRef

The popularity of movies of the Zombie Apocalypse genre and the inconsistency of judgments about their effects on the audience presented in academic literature determined the importance of the research. Particularities of perception of The Walking Dead TV series and its characters by teenagers were revealed. A hypothesis that the existential problematics of the film presented by artistic means comprehensible to the age of adolescence, would contribute to the development of the personality of a moviegoer, was tested. For four months, 48 male adolescents, including 24 deviant ones (10 of those with mild mental retardation), watched the six seasons (82 episodes) of The Walking Dead. Using the method of semantic differential and the statistical procedure of factorial analysis, the structure of semantic evaluation of the characters of the film was determined – it was carried out the following considerations of ‘usefulness’, ‘intelligence’, ‘complexity’ and ‘realism’. Verifiable differences in group ratings of the film and its characters were identified. It had been determined that the image of Daryl, a character from a socially disadvantaged environment, was characterized by the greatest identification potential for deviant adolescents, while reformatory potential of the series determined constructive transformations of his personality. It was demonstrated that meanings communicated using metaphorical and symbolic means by the film, were more difficult to understand for the adolescents with intellectual incapacity. Teens from the groups of intellectual normalcy, including the deviant ones, showed appropriate understanding of the characters of the film. Using the methodology of psycho-semiotic analysis of free composition written by deviant adolescents at the beginning of watching the series and after its completion, positive trending of indicators of the level of development of their semantic domain was determined. That afforded making conclusion about the reformatory potential of The Walking Dead.

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14. Dmitry Naumov, K. Savitski
Representation of Student Life Strategies on the Internet

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 309-317.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.309CrossRef

Under the conditions of risk-related influence on globalization processes, as well as with the intensive development of information and communication technologies and the media sphere, the formation of students’ life strategies for their effective group and individual implementation is one of the goals of the state and society. Life strategies, as a social phenomenon complex in nature, should be considered in the context of the choice of the person and the social group of life goals and ways of self-determination and self-realization. As the factors determining the choice of the personality relevant life strategies are the level of socio-economic development of society, cultural values and traditions, political institutions and structures, social strata and groups, socio-demographic parameters and other socially significant features. Life strategies act as socially determined, integrative and rational systems of individual orientation to the long-term perspective in individual, social and cultural plans (both in projective and retrospective aspects), objectified in individual behavior and activity. Types of life strategies have a set of such characteristics that can be used for the typology of visual data presented in the form of photographs. The article identifies and characterizes the life strategies of Belarusian student’s community, as well as heuristic possibilities of visual sociology for their identification and analysis.

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15. Kirill Razlogov
Film Societies in Soviet & Russian Media Education

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 318-327.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.318CrossRef

This article explores the space between old and new realities and fields of cultural studies – the relationship of film clubs and film societies, the professional film education system in Russia, and general media competence. The starting point of the analysis is given by the creation and activity of the society “Friends of Soviet Cinema” (1925 – 1934) as the link between filmmakers and film buffs. Thanks to its president, the notorious Felix Dzerzhinskiy, it became a controlling tool that did not really work. The author also emphasizes the difference of approach to media education in the periods of the Thaw (after Stalin’s death), Perestroika, and the present when the Russian Filmmakers’ Union affirms as one of its main goals the re-creation of “Friends of Cinema” society. Special attention is given to the relations of Russian film buffs with foreign cinephiles, as well as participation of Federation of Film Clubs of the USSR and then Russia in the work of International Federation of Film Societies. Personal experience of the author confirms the ongoing interaction between the filmmakers’ formation, especially in the oldest film school of Russia and the world – VGIK, and mass media education under diverse jurisdictions in different times and localities.

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16. Svetlana Tyurina
Development of Communicative Potential of Personality by Means of Foreign Media Discourse in Digital Environment

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(2): 328-336.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.328CrossRef

The paper considers basic characteristics of media discourse within the context of integration of media education and foreign language proficiency. Researches show that media education is considered as the process of personality development with the help of media recourse. And communicative potential is the basic constituent of the personality. This paper defines motivation, social-psychological, content-related, operational and reflexive levels in the structure of the communicative potential of the personality of the student. The purpose of this research is to design an educational framework that uses media discourse to ensure the development of the student’s personality and communicative potential. So, an attempt is made to design and implement the model of development of communicative potential of the personality on the bases of media education model. The basic levels of the model are specified: goal directed, content-related, conceptual, methodological, and environmental ones. The clusters of the model are defined in accordance with the structure of the communicative potential of the personality. They are initial, theoretical, analytical, practice-operational and reflexive ones. Finally, the paper describes the practical part of this research, the experience of development and implementation of electronic teaching aids on the bases of media texts. Thus, this model is realized during foreign language course with students of technical university.

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