Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) – international scientific journal

E-ISSN 1994-4195.

Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.
Issued from 2005.

1 March 05, 2019

1. S.V. Akmanova, L.V. Kurzaeva, N.A. Kopylova
The Models of the Media Educational Concept of Developing Lifelong Selflearning Individual Readiness

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 3–13.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.3CrossRef

The educational systems of many countries are subjected to standardization, the purpose of which is to create a single educational space of a country (Europe, the world). The education standardization process is largely due to the processes of globalization, the introduction of new information technologies, the growth of teachers and students’ mobility, the increase of online educational forms, the active penetration of media technologies into various spheres of human life and, as a result, the continuous growth of new knowledge in all areas of science and technology . In addition, the modern media and information age dictates to each individual the need for constant self– learning, both at the household and professional levels. Therefore, the issue of developing lifelong self– learning individual readiness in a changing media environment becomes topical. The self– learning individual readiness is determined by the stages of its socialization and professionalization during the whole life; therefore, it has a level nature. We have previously developed and proved a media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness, which contained a multiaspect model presentation of the development process such readiness. Revealing stages, phases and levels of selflearning readiness assumes the existence of a dynamic model of this concept. A pedagogical design of selflearning individual readiness in the course of university training should be based on the competence–based model of individual media educational training. The article presents and proves the dynamic and competence–based model of the media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness, shows their interrelationship, and also corresponds to the normative model of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness.

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2. Irina Chelysheva, Galina Mikhaleva
Interethnic Tolerance among University Students in the Context of Contemporary Russian and Foreign Media Education

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 14–22.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.14CrossRef

Development of interethnic tolerance, teaching a respectful attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups and nationalities, their cultures, customs and traditions is an actual problem of modern society, and the solution to this problem largely determines the nature of intercultural communication. Therefore, the problem of educating the youth audience in matters of interethnic tolerance is acquiring particular importance. The article analyzes the issues of interethnic tolerance of the student audience from the point of view of identifying the main prospects for media education in the context of modern education reforming. The authors come to the conclusion that the experience of Russian and foreign media educators to promote interethnic tolerance among students can help the younger generation develop an independent and conscious respect, trust and a peaceful attitude towards other nations based on constructive dialogue, non-violent interaction and opportunities for intercultural exchange. The main prospects for increasing students’ interethnic tolerance in the media educational context are related to analysis of the sociocultural and theoretical-pedagogical base of interethnic tolerance in contemporary conditions; a comparative analysis of up-to-date methods, forms, technologies and approaches of Russian and foreign media education models aimed at enhancing interethnic tolerance among university students; identifying prioritized theoretical and methodological approaches to promoting interethnic tolerance characteristic of the present-day interethnic society, integration and transformation aspects of developing interethnic consciousness in modern society; inventing new forms and methods aimed at fostering interethnic tolerance among the younger generation and reducing media risks associated with extremist orientation.

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3. Alexander Fedorov
Sparta as a Digest of School Life Problems, Represented in the Movie World

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 23–29.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.23CrossRef

By means of the hermeneutic analysis of the audiovisual media text, the author of the article draws the following conclusions: – the story of the TV–series Sparta is universal and could occur in any world country, hence the virtual space of the game without rules is rhymed with the social, cultural, political and ideological context devoid of norms and humanistic morals. This correlation is emphasized by a sound and visual imagery, creating a disturbing and gloomy atmosphere; – Sparta is real digest of the problems of school life, featured in films on the international scale; the terrain for its creation had been prepared by dozens of films, touching upon the most painful aspects of school and, consequently, of a person's life; – the author's concept of Sparta is much broader than a clichéd statement of the harmful impact of domestic violence, bullying and violent computer games on school students: in the center of the plot is a kind of neo–Nazi character who imagines himself a superhuman having the right to extinguish the weak and create an elite of merciless individuals to rule the world; he is backed up by the powerful, who will do anything for profit and more power; – Sparta is real example of new point of view of Russian cinematography on the sch00l topic.

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4. Alexander Fedorov, Anastasia Levitskaya
Synthetic Media Education Model Used in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 30–36.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.30CrossRef

Analysis of scientific monographs, articles and Internet resources allows to conclude that there is no single concept of mass media education development in the CIS countries. Media educators in the CIS countries are generally oriented towards media literacy education as interpreted by UNESCO, however, in practice, there is often an imbalance when it comes to the development of competence in the field of information computer technologies, practical activities to create media texts or propaganda and counter–propaganda tasks. Interest in media education at universities in the CIS countries is episodic: courses dedicated to the development of media literacy/competence among students of non–media profiles are still very rare. Unlike many European Union countries, media education is still not integrated into school education. Vast opportunities of non–formal media education are not used everywhere. That is why the authors of this article have set ourselves the task of synthesizing a generalized model of mass media education based on the analysis of scientific monographs, articles, and Internet resources of the CIS countries, which can be used to develop media literacy/competence of the population. Media competence is in great demand all over the world today, so there is a whole range of tasks that should be solved at the state level and become the basis for the development of media education strategy in the CIS countries. When developing tools for implementing such a strategy, it may be useful to analyze the approaches, mechanisms, and experience of other European countries that are more successful in implementing policies in this area.

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5. Natalia Iogolevich, Svetlana Vasyura, Marina Maletova
Student as the Center of Media Education: Personality Boundaries and Communicative Activity

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 37–48.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.37CrossRef

The significance of human–centered cross-disciplinary research and opportunities to apply existing laws in research intersectional areas are in the focal point of the authors. The article demonstrates research results on personality boundaries and student communicative activity based on the approaches of media education. The research is underpinned by the assessment method of change in psychological boundaries that is “MIG-TS-2”. It is also based on A.I. Krupnov’s Judgement Test that allows testing human communicative activity. One in ten students associates Internet with extending psychological boundaries and overt personal space. One in six students is subjectively dependent on the Internet: each in five Internet users take an advantage of the internet to create their image. Literally each in two students note a greater convenience of technologies. The authors come to conclusions that students transform their personal boundaries resulting from Internet use. Communication boundaries extend and cause reflection of boundaries’ violation. The need related to convenience and functionality of Internet is inevitably transformed. Being the center of media education, students, having barriers to their communicative activity, may be in a favorable position to take an advantage of Internet connections for cognition and new image-creating.

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6. Mariana Kitsa
Design of the Newspaper as an Important Factor in Attracting Young Audience

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 49–60.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.49CrossRef

The design of the newspaper as an artistic form, which combines content, purpose, structure, design, function of the publication, lies at the heart of the architectonics of the newspaper. The language of the architectonics allows you to reflect the nature of the publication and cause certain emotions and aesthetic impression that help to perceive the information. The newspaper has the specified dimensional characteristics, which can be expressed in metric or typographic units. This is the format of the newspaper and the strip, the volume of the publication, the number and format of columns, text columns, the size of the fields and intercollect spaces. The experiment showed that design of the newspaper influence on young audience and can attract it`s attention or vice versa. The art of designing is to attract the attention of the young reader through various aesthetic means, because the newspaper speaks with its reader not only with the help of the printed word, but also the language of visual images. The greatest effect can be achieved by skillfully choosing the sizes and types of fonts, which are one of the main means of expressiveness of print media; using a variety of graphic tools, including decorative elements, illustrations.

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7. E.G. Kulikova, A.V. Kuznetsova, O.A. Guk
Tolerant Media Discourse in the Coordinates of Political Correctness

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 61–72.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.61CrossRef

Tolerant media discourse has the features of institutional discourse, which arises and exists within a certain public institution and represents cliched communication, the core of which is the communication of the basic pair of participants in communication "author – reader". System of mediatopics functioning in a tolerant media discourse, occurs on the basis of realization of principles of correctness and includes three groups: the cooperation of countries in various spheres of society; the integration of migrants, including our compatriots, into the European community; overcoming ethnic and religious conflicts, the settlement of territorial claims. This kind of discourse has consolidating, forming, educating purposes that are implemented with the help of common and particular strategies: influencing strategy; demonstrating strategy; cooperative strategy; evaluation strategy. It is the semes of emphasized officiality and delicacy, subtlety in the understanding of other people are actualized in the concept of political correctness. Tolerant media discourse naturally relies on the principles of political correctness in its functioning. Tolerance and tolerant discourse are in regular dialectical relationships with the category of communicative freedom. Сommunicative freedom forms individuality of the speaking person, allowing him/her to choose from a variety of options a single, acceptable in communication option of influence on the interlocutor.

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8. V.A. Presnyakov
Hip-hop as a Reflection of United States Political Life

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 73–85.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.73CrossRef

The article is devoted to the analysis of the political situation of the United States of America through the prism of the music industry. A structural content analysis of the texts of American hip-hop performers is presented, the level of politicization of American music is detected, and a characteristic of the form of politicization of the music industry – the musical-political community is given. To solve this problem, general scientific methods and content analysis of the texts of American hip-hop performers of different music schools were used, which was carried out by categories determined by the purpose and objectives of the research (security, ideology, social policy and military policy). The methodological basis of the research is the theory of media communications, in which special attention is paid to identifying and characterizing the social consequences of network communications on the Internet, factors of the formation and development of media globalization, and assessing the effects of mass media on the audience. It caused attention to the ideas and works of such well-known experts in the area of media research, such as N.A. Antonovich, O.V. Aronson, M. L. DeFleur, A.V. Fedorov, P. Lazarsfeld, C. Osgood, W. Schramm, etc. The article describes the current situation of the hip-hop industry in the global cultural area, identifies the author’s classification of hip-hop performers and evaluates this musical genre from the point of view of media fame of its representatives.

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9. G.S. Melnik, A.N. Teplyashina
The Impact of Digitalization of Network Space on Journalism Education

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 86–92.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.86CrossRef

The article highlights the problems of transformation of journalistic education, which today is changing along with the highest schools and, of course, with journalism and modern media systems. A significant reason for the modern changes is related to the multidirectional vectors of the creative nature of journalism and its existence in the media market. The article discusses the essence of the concepts of "multimedia" and "multimedia technologies", describes the pedagogical conditions for the introduction of multimedia technologies in the educational process of higher education and discusses the possibility of their use in teaching students. The active introduction of multimedia technologies in educational programs in journalism is the most important factor in the modernization of education. Currently, these technologies are among the most dynamically developing and promising areas in the field of digital media. The content of the offered article does not exhaust the whole range of problems associated with the introduction of multimedia into the educational process; we suggest considering only some possibilities of their application in teaching students. Convergence, digitalization, significantly changed the nature of the work of a journalist. Modern editors are waiting for multifunctional specialists today who combine the skills of a creative worker, author, editor, and distribution manager of an information product. In the standards of the new generation, additional competencies appear.

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10. Olga A. Mironova, Raisa M. Bogdanova, Yuri A. Kolesnikov
Aspects of the Generational Theory Application in Terms of Digital Education Development in Russia

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 93–104.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.93CrossRef

Under conditions of postindustrial transition and formation of the information- and knowledge-based society and economy, an important role is played by the digital sector of economy, with technologies being increasingly used in the educational process. In this regard, development of digital education is becoming one of the most important strategic tasks for development of Russia, its society and economy, as well as direction for provision of the country’s national and economic security. In this connection, one of the promising development paths for digital education in Russia is suggested to be in the form of implementation of distance learning forms into the system of higher education, as well as transition of lectures from classrooms into the digital space, which, the authors believe, will improve the quality of higher education and promote students’ digital literacy. However, during introduction of such reforms in the Russian system of education, it is necessary to take into account the generational specificity of students currently enrolled in higher education programs and of those coming to the marketplace of educational services in the nearest years, that is generations Y and Z, having almost inborn digital literacy, but finding real world communication difficult. Based on conducted research, the authors of the given article provide a number of recommendations on the choice of directions to be used in the process of education for generations Y and Z.

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11. Valerii Muzykant, Olga Shlykova
Media Competence as the Keystone of Electronic Culture and Contemporary Education

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 105–115.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.105CrossRef

In Russia more than 83 million people, use the Internet at least once in a month. The monthly Internet penetration of people aged 18 and over increased from 80 % of the adult population of Russia. According to TNS company, the smallest was in villages (56 %) with almost 63 million people (over 51 %) using mobile device. Convergence processes, having moved into the culture space, record the changes that have taken place both on the education and in other directions like media competence, technical equipment, education of staff, etc. This is a fundamentally different digital sphere of human socio– cultural activity that opens up previously unknown forms of changes in the roles and statuses of cultural institutions. The authors presented the criteria for assessing the social effectiveness of media competence in the field of culture and correlation of data on the dynamics of electronic culture of different regions with all–Russian indicators. Besides it, media competence methods were introduced to create the original information product in librarian space. The authors consider digital literacy as the functional skills required to operate and communicate with technology and media. The quantitative indicators of the research proved once more that the emergence of new media has qualitatively changed both the configuration of the media space and the processes occurring in it. The media competence of cultural institutions and libraries is now being characterized by educational and communication technologies. The main tasks of the research include comprehensive analysis of Russian media culture in regions and small cities. Object of the research is contemporary electronic culture. Subject of the research is media competence itself as the main characteristic of Russian cultural institutions.

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12. Roman Salny
The Role of Ontological Time Forms in Film Appreciation

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 116–122.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.116CrossRef

The process of the feature film appreciation is ambivalent and includes both direct experience of the represented reality and its comprehension. A lot of film theorists of the last century (André Bazin, Béla Balázs, Gilles Deleuze, Siegfried Kracauer and others) considered that sensuous contact with the artistic reality plays the key role in the perception of the film. Meanwhile, the artistic cognition presupposes the comprehension of the artwork integrity that is impossible without a detached attitude. The present article attempts to consider the possibility of an integrated application of I. Kant and A. Bergson's theories to ontological interpretation of the film time. Philosophical conceptions of R. Ingarden's aesthetic appreciation and M.M. Bakhtin's artistic cognition provided the grounds for the integration of these theories. The ideas of I. Kant and A. Bergson were reframed by M.M. Bakhtin. He largely accepted Kant's theory about the arrangement of the subject's inner life in time and also he lead the virtual discussion with Bergson about the key stance of his theory, i.e. "immersion" into the actual reality. Both ideas in the modified form provided the basis for the chronotope category ("time – space") devised by Bakhtin that combines two types of cognition: artistic apprehension and aesthetic contemplation. R. Ingarden placed the same principle of transition from the moment of "immersion" into "non-existence" and vice versa that was formulated by M.M. Bakhtin. On the basis of these two forms of time experience, the subject of perception creates two forms of "involvement" in the artistic reality, blending into each other: "going beyond oneself" (V.P. Zinchenko), immersion in the depicted reality ("empathy") and detachment ("non-existence") in relation to it. In the first form the subject experiences continuous time and is not aware of its own forms of activity. In the second form, the subject is aware of its own "presence" (M. Heidegger, M.I. Yanovsky) in the objectified form – the structural relations of the image and/or work elements. The first form is characterized by a state of detachment, the second – the action of imagination, associative, image and abstract-logical thinking.

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13. Alexander Shuneyko, Olga Chibisova
The Mechanism of Contextual Confirmation of the Symbol in the Cinema Language

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 123–134.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.123CrossRef

The subject of consideration in this article is the analysis of the specifics of identifying the thematic belonging of symbols that function in feature films, in particular, the Masonic symbols used in world cinema of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries. The authors propose, corroborate and test a formal and substantive mechanism that includes a number of interrelated procedures, which allows identifying the particular thematic field of a symbol that has homonymous analogs in various symbolic systems. The issue of the specifics of the thematic relatedness of the symbol is extremely important for the theory and practice of cinema analysis. It becomes even more significant due to the direct dependence of the adequacy of the interpretation of the cinematographic work on the correct reading of the symbolism contained in it and the correct perception of the nature of the appositional interaction of symbols and their mutual conditionality within the artistic whole. The research methodology refers to the semiotic discursive approach. The authors analyze the features of the cinema language and the contexts of the use of symbols, which lead to the ambiguity of their interpretation, and then formulate procedures that allow this ambiguity to be removed. The article formulates a new type of analysis, summarizing the advantages of context, semantic and distributive analysis of cinema language units. The authors proceed from the idea of a feature film as an aesthetically significant text, an adequate interpretation of which involves taking into account not only the visual, but also the actual informative components. They point out that consistently carrying out the analysis mechanism proposed by them will allow, with a high degree of reliability, not only to remove controversial points, but also to identify the author’s intent in cases where it seems unclear and indirectly expressed. The problem of homonymy, peculiar to all semiotic systems in the language of cinema, is exacerbated in cases where ideologically biased units are used as graphic material, summing up a wide cultural experience. In order to avoid arbitrariness in evaluations in these cases, the authors offer to use the mechanism proposed by them. The high level of heuristic power that the mechanism possesses is manifested in the fact that it makes it possible to distinguish between outwardly identical, but meaningfully deeply different frames. All these provisions are illustrated by a large number of convincing examples.

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14. Marina Tselykh
Social Work Profession in the Focus of Digital News Media

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 135–142.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.135CrossRef

One of the major goals of this article is to contribute in some way to enlarging the vision of the role of social workers in the coinage of their professional image through the collaboration with media. The examination of social work practice and professional image, as manifested in three Russian newspapers Izvestiya, Komsomolskaya pravda and over a three-year time period reveals that social workers are not proportionately portrayed according to their actual numerical representation in schools and that they are actually over-represented in negative manner. This kind of unfavorable media coverage leads to the construction of negative professional image. In the light of real potential of social workers for influencing their public image a serious concern has been raised about the role of professional education. To promote positive professional image, social workers should be able to apply the knowledge and skills of interaction with a variety of modern media. This suggests that social work education should prepare students to use, manage, and shape their communication with mass media. The curricula and content of education should ensure future social workers to frame their professional portrait by gathering, reporting, and disseminating the news and views about the profession in media in an accurate and objective manner.

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15. Milena Tsvetkova
Scientific Reassessment of the Publishing Evolution: А Media–Archaeological Approach to Prospective Studies of Book as Medium

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 143–158.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.143CrossRef

Modern media are characterized by extraordinary diversification and derivatisation. Multimodality has become central to all factors of the communication process – sources, codes, messages, channels and networks, intermediaries and agents, as well as end recipients. The most serious collisions occur in the field of publishing and books. Object of the research: A formal reason for this article is the 550th anniversary from the death of Johannes Gutenberg (ca. 1400–1468) used to re–examine and re–define the book as the oldest and, at the same time, most promising media in the world of publishing. Purpose of the research: To revise the periodisation of the publishing evolution outside the four phases of the 560–year biography of the print format of the book: incunables or early– printed books, post– incunables or first–printed books, old–printed books, and new–printed books or contemporary printed books. Methodology/approach: The archaeological approach to the study of media reveals larger–scale reasoning behind the evolution of the book as a medium: Pre–Gutenberg, Gutenberg and Post–Gutenberg book. Results: Each of the three phases is governed by five principles that also pre–empt the future of the print medium in the 21st century: the principle of bureaucracy, the principle of antagonism, the principle of fanaticism, the principle of emancipation and the principle of “form follows function”. The perspective of media archaeology helps to correct the historical place and the evolutionary stance of the inventions pertaining to the Gutenberg Galaxy – the print medium, the printing press, the printed book, and paper as a printing resource. Implications: The conclusions may prove important for outlining the technological and ideological patterns affecting the invention and decline not only of the printed book but of every publication format before and after Gutenberg.

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16. Yuri Tyunnikov, Marina Maznichenko, Igor Kazakov, Valentina Krylova
Monitoring Indicators of the Developing Potential of Media Materials

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 159–167.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.159CrossRef

The article presents the potential of media material developmental as a set of cognitive, informational, communicative, axiological, hermeneutic, emotional, activity-related resources, the purposeful use of which by the teacher and students in the educational environment allows stimulating the intellectual, emotional, mental, moral development of students and ensures the improvement of the quality of the educational process. The main factors of the development media potential are identified: the content of the media material, the resources contained in it; methods and conditions (environmental factors) of the use of media in the educational process by the teacher; methods and conditions for the use of media in self-cognitive activity, self-education of students. In relation to the listed resources, the monitoring indicators of the media material are defined, which allow assessing the developmental potential both of its content and the process of use by the teacher and students. Indicators have been identified to assess: (1) the content of the media material; (2) the process of its use by the teacher for didactic and educational purposes; (3) the process of its use by students for independent cognitive activity and self-education. The proposed indicators can be used to select media content as a component of educational content in the creation of educational standards and programs, calendar and thematic planning, solving learning problems, assessing the quality of students' independent cognitive activity, the effectiveness of electronic and informational-educational environments, educational computer programs, electronic textbooks, etc.

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17. Hisham Saad Zaghloul, Feras Mohammed Al-Madani
Educational Media and Academic Attainment: Moving Toward a Suggested Vision for Saudi Arabia in Light of International Expertise

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2019, 59(1): 168–182.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.168CrossRef

The goal of this article is to follow through global expertise in employing media as an instructional modality and to examine its relation to both academic attainment and quality of education in an attempt to develop a suggested future vision for educational media. The study adopted a descriptive, analytical approach to investigate the phenomenon. Data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire that was administered to 380 participants. The results revealed that educational media can be used not only as an educational means but also as a way for students to acquire personal and academic skills, change behavioral patterns, and become inculcated with the values of teamwork and acceptance of the other. The study concluded by putting forth a set of recommendations for a suggested proposal for using educational media activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

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