Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) – international scientific journal

E-ISSN 1994-4195.

Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.
Issued from 2005.

4 December 16, 2021

1. Irina B. Arkhangelskaya
Understanding the USA through Late Night Comedy

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 585-592.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.585CrossRef

American late night comedy shows are a good source of information for those who would like to know more about the USA. Saturday Night Live (SNL) is the most long-lasting night comedy project on American TV, well known for its political satire and parodies. Russian viewers can watch it on many platforms nowadays: social media, online or cable TV. The goal of the research is to find out what impression SNL produces on the Russian youth and how they interpret its humor. It is of interest if the show helps Russian students broaden their knowledge of the US: its politics, daily routine, key political actors, and analyze what the image of Russia and Russians in the show is. Two hundred students from Nizhny Novgorod universities took part in the survey and shared their views on US late night comedy. Ten SNL’s enthusiasts were further interviewed and spoke about their likes and dislikes. The research proves that American late night comedy shows can be not only entertainment for young Russians, but useful educational material on the US politics, social life, and culture. The program might be helpful in studying English. To get better understanding of the USA students need teachers’ guidance.

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2. Marina Berezhnaia, Sergey Korkonosenko
Humanitarian Orientations of Journalism Education. On the Materials of Expert Interviews

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 593-600.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.593CrossRef

The article deals with the issues of the humanitarian nature and pedagogical attitudes of journalistic education, mainly in Russian universities. These topics have become more acute and sensitive in some relevant contexts. First, all over the world, and in Europe in particular, the contradictions between the traditional mission of universities as keepers of spiritual values and the concepts of entrepreneurial university have intensified. Second, the humanitarian traditions of higher education are under pressure from the rapid expansion of digital technologies. A new concept of humanitarian resistance has entered the teachers’ professional vocabulary. Journalism education in Russia feels the influence of these contradictory contexts in full measure. In order to clarify the attitude of the teaching community to the changes taking place in this regard, the authors of the article conducted an expert interview with the heads of educational departments and professors from different regions of the country. This is the methodological basis of the article. Full videos of the conversations are presented on the special page of the research project "Theoretical and Pedagogical Schools of Journalism in Russia" (2019-2021), part of which were expert interviews. The study confirmed the hypothesis that Russian journalism teachers are committed to humanitarian values and educational traditions, although they are not opposed to technological and methodological innovations.

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3. Irina Erofeeva, Galina Melnik, Natalya Prostokishina
Teaching Methods for Modeling the Image of Territory in a Media Text: The Problem of Meaning Formation

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 601-611.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.601CrossRef

The purpose of the article is to summarize the methodological experience of work on the value-semantic component of modeling the media image of territory in the process of creating a media text of different genres and designs, to characterize the pedagogical technologies of teaching text construction using conceptual representations of society, its cultural memory. The article presents the characteristics of methodological materials on the formation of the competence of the media text author working with the territory's media image used in the ours of training "Journalism", "Advertising and Public Relations" – the bachelor's degree, the master's degree. Cognitive means of a media text addressed to the sociocode of culture have been highlighted. Using them, the textured material is percepted and processed in modeling the media image of a country or a region. Active and interactive teaching methods focused on reflection and conscious use of these tools in the media text author's creative activity have been structured. The authors propose several tasks for active, problem-based learning and articulate the culturological model of education in forming professional competencies in modeling a media image, which replenishes the educational environment with sociocultural meanings characteristic of a person's territory.

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4. Alexander Fedorov, Anastasia Levitskaya
Media Education Model Aimed at Efficient Development of Audience’s Skills to Reasonably Confront the False (or Partially False) Information, Contained in Anti-Russian Ukrainian Internet Communication Resources

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 612-622.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.612CrossRef

The theoretical media-educational model developed by the authors of the article, aimed at the effective development of the audience's ability to reasonably counter the false (or partially false) information contained in the anti-Russian Internet communication sources from Ukraine (taking into account the ability to analyze the political, ideological, economic and other motives that lead to anti-Russian propaganda in Ukrainian media educational Internet communication portals, websites) consists of the following main structural building blocks (units): Unit 1. Technology of development of audience’s skills to reasonably confront false (or partially false) information contained in anti-Russian Ukrainian Internet communication sources (knowledge of media communication processes, propaganda influences and typology of false (or partially false) information; knowledge of basic techniques of analysis of Internet communication sources (including fact checking, political, ideological, economic and other motives conditioning anti-Russian propaganda in Ukrainian (media education) Internet communication portals, websites; skills to apply this knowledge in the process of the analysis of various web resources, containing anti-Russian propaganda. Unit 2. Anti-propaganda Internet communications competence of the individual (information competence in the field of Internet communications and countering propaganda influences; analytical competence in the field of Internet communications related to detecting propaganda and/or fake messages). Unit 3: The main indicators of anti-propaganda Internet communication competence of an individual (high level (a wide range of knowledge in the field of Internet communication, types and technologies of media influences, propaganda; types and technologies of media information analysis); medium level (limited knowledge in the field of Internet communication, types and technologies of media influences, propaganda; types and technologies of media information analysis); low level (no knowledge (or minimal knowledge) of these (see above). Unit 4: Creative application of knowledge about media communication processes, propaganda influences and the typology of false (or partially false) information and analytical skills in this area (including the ability to independently apply knowledge about media communication processes, propaganda influences and the typology of false (or partially false) information and analytical skills in this area in new conditions and using new samples).

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5. Olga Gorbatkova
Conceptual Basis for Modeling the Phenomenon of “School Violence” in Modern Media Continuum of Russia and the United States of America

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 623-631.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.623CrossRef

The article contains the conceptual basis for modeling the phenomenon of “school violence” in the retrospection of contemporary Russian and American audiovisual and printed/online texts that integrate violent content of different modificational variability. As a result of solving of the set task, a model was developed on the subject of violence at school for the content of modern media texts in Russia and the United States of America (1992−2021). The model fundamental basis is a comparative analysis based on a hermeneutical approach to the interpretation of Russian and American media texts producing the content of “school violence” phenomenon construction. Model substantial elements: a historical concept that determines the period of media text creation; a socio-cultural concept, reflecting the influence of the situation in the social, cultural sphere of a particular country on the media text configuration; an ideological concept that integrates: the author’s opinion and the ideological matrix of characters presented in the media texts; tools for depicting the reality: the main scene, genre palette, behavioral attitudes of the characters; the presented problem and ways to solve it. It is indicated that the main conclusion as a result of the conceptual basis development for modeling the “school violence” phenomenon in the modern media continuum of Russia and the United States of America is that, despite the differences in the structure of the landscape of the countries mentality, in the ongoing configurations typical for the processes in the economic, political, socio-cultural segment, as a whole, the presented model smoothly fits into the common system of audiovisual and printed/online texts functioning on the subject of violence in the school environment at the present stage, of course, with a certain degree of convention. Moreover, the author concludes that the conceptual basis of the prevention and control system in the correlation of the projection of different violence constitutions in the educational environment of the school, both in Russia and in the United States, is reduced to a common conviction, typical for two countries, - today there is no effective prevention and counteraction mechanism. At the same time, significant fact for our research is that the paradigm in the context of solving the problem of school violence in the United States at the legislative level has the most effective experience, which is not typical for Russia.

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6. Olga Kosachova
Representation Features of Historical Truth in Fiction and Documentary Cinematography, TV Reporter’s Skills

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 632-644.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.632CrossRef

The article analyses the representation of historical and current issues in fiction and documentary cinematography. The author outlines the general complexity of the historical genre, often accompanied by criticism of the society, power structures, and institutions of the church. A dramaturgy analysis of films, as well as expressive directing and camera means and techniques, sound direction have been carried out. Special attention is paid to the analysis of methods of gathering information in documentary films: observation, working with documents, interviews, etc., inherent in the work of a TV reporter. The participatory and poetic modes of documentary are examined in detail. It was revealed that documentary films are more independent than fiction films, primarily from the budget issues and critical acclaim, therefore a store of issues covered in documentary films is much wider. The documentary cinematography is also richer by expressive means. The authors of modern historical drama create documentary-style films, unjustifiably transforming films from feature ones into a chronicle displaying a series of changing facts from the plot of the script. Suggestions have been made to revise the principles of work on the historical genre, enabling to reach a new level of development of feature films.

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7. Sergii Kostogryz
History of Soviet Cinematography: Regional Aspect, Banned Films and Science Fiction Movies

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 645-653.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.645CrossRef

The materials for this article are books by Soviet and contemporary authors on the history of Soviet cinema and the problems of Soviet cinema censorship. The proposed methodology is based on an integrated approach that provided consideration of all aspects and relationships that influenced the processes under study. Research methods used in the work include historical-comparative and historical-systematic. The analysis of film studies literature has shown that in recent years, the authors have been particularly interested in studies of the development of Soviet cinema. However, against this background, not so many works have been published about Soviet films subject to censorship, and in fact there are no books that would collect and systematize information about Soviet science fiction. The information vacuum that formed in 2021 was filled with a number of new monographs, which are discussed in this article.

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8. Elena Lomteva, Natalia Vorobyeva, Alexei Demidov
Students’ Media Literacy Concerning the Development of Meta-subject Connections as a Key Sociological Analysis of Attitudes Provided by Future Elementary School Teachers in Relation to Implementation of Film Education in the Classroom Format

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 654-663.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.654CrossRef

The article presents results of a survey of teacher college students on their attitude and readiness to implementation of film education in the elementary school educational process. The work was conducted by the Center for Economics of Continuing Education (CECE) of RANEPA and the Institute of Secondary Vocational Education (ISVE) named after K. Ushinsky of the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MCPU) in 2021 and was based on the quantitative method of sociological research. A total of 318 respondents – undergraduate students enrolled in various secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE) programs in the field of pedagogics – were interviewed. The article substantiates that the majority of future elementary school teachers support integration of film education in the elementary school educational structure and analysis of data obtained during the study showed that future teachers' readiness for implementation of this type of activity does not mean availability of exact knowledge of the basics of film education and media pedagogics as well as methodological approaches to teaching of the subject matter. The materials presented in the article allow readers to form methodological didactic approaches to the problem of students' training at the level of education in SVE organizations as well as consider issues of readiness of future teachers to implement film education in their pedagogical activities.

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9. Alyona Lozovitskaya, Irina Goloborodko, Alina Semerenko, Olga Kravets
Discourse of the Development of Students’ Media Literacy with Reference to Meta-subject Connections as a Platform for New Didactics: Semantic, Technological, Social Implementation Space

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 664-674.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.664CrossRef

Students' media literacy concerning the development of meta-subject connections as a key segment of new didactics is highly relevant in the context of solving the problem of enriching the content of educational policy in modern Russia. Today, the transformational processes taking place in the society bring up the problem under study to the "rank" of particular importance. In this regard, drawing active attention of the educational theorists and practitioners to the new understanding of the "media literacy" concept in the transforming realities of the new millennium is very important today. The authors' reflections on the topic of the formation of media literacy in regard to the content of the development of meta-subject connections are determined by the urgent need to disclose the semantic content of concepts, to identify integrative components and the significance of the formation process itself in the modern educational paradigm to create a holistic picture and approach of the studied content. The social, economic, informational, cultural context in correlation with the national and global peculiarities has a significant impact at the present stage. The authors conclude that at the present stage, socio-economic, information-technological, utilitarian-pragmatic, cultural-historical contexts in their close connection with the national and global specifics have a decisive influence. In addition, the authors are convinced that the development of educational clusters that include integrative components of the phenomenon of functional literacy (information, communication, social, reading, global competencies) is an important factor of the reconstruction of the education structure, many-faceted facilitation of the educational context. Besides, media literacy is one of the key characteristics of global competencies. It seems that information and media literacy as an integrative component of functional literacy is an important quality of a modern person in an information society; media competence as a quality of a person is becoming an essential condition for successful functioning in the modern society.

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10. Galina Mikhaleva
Creating University Students’ Civic-minded Culture by Analyzing Russian Feature Films

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 675-683.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.675CrossRef

The article discusses the following research areas in the context of educating university students for civic engagement based on the material of Russian feature films: – analysing patriotic feature films, historical dramas and war films about the exploits of Russian people, films about love and self-sacrifice for the Motherland; – analysing Russian feature films about real heroes and their exploits, as well as films about heroic deeds committed by ordinary people in peacetime, films about public and official duties; – analysing film images of famous Russian historical personalities in Russian and foreign feature films; – analysing feature films about love for the “small” homeland, about professional and civic responsibility; – analysing film images of national heroes or famous citizens of various professions who contributed to the development of Russia, its culture, science, art, sports, etc.; – a comparative analysis of Russian and foreign film adaptations of classic Russian literary works, a critical analysis of national stereotypes in Russian and foreign feature films; – a critical analysis of antisocial images in feature films in order to form correct models of social and civic consciousness and behaviour among university students; – film education of youth based on social film dramas.

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11. Volodymyr Myslavskyi, Ganna Chmil, Oleksandr Bezruchko, Vasily Kupriichuk
Formation of Ukrainian Newsreel and Documentary Cinema in 1923–1928

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 684-692.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.684CrossRef

The purpose of this research is to analyze the formation and development of chronicle-documentary cinema in Ukraine during the period 1923–1928. The authors also cover the most significant events that influenced the formation of Ukrainian newsreels. This article is based on little-known critical publications of 1920s in the Ukrainian and Russian media. An analysis of the polemics of Soviet authors in relation to Ukrainian newsreel and documentaries on the pages of magazines of the 1920s shows that this type of cinematography developed in several directions. We present in chronological order the most significant innovations in Ukrainian cinema production: 1. 1923. Organization of production at the Odessa Film Factory Chronicle of VUFKU; opening in Kharkiv of a special film laboratory for the release of newsreels. 2. 1924. Start of production of the newsreel Flywheel (Makhovik); approval of the thematic direction of the newsreel produced; the beginning of the release of the newsreel Flywheel Cinema week (Kinonedelya Makhovika) with an overview of life in the USSR and the West. 3. 1925. Work to increase the number of newsreel issues, increase circulation, increase the number of staff correspondents; reformatting Flywheel Cinema Week into VUFKU Cinema Week; opening of a special department of filming production at the Odessa Cinema Factory on request of commercial and industrial enterprises and opening of a newsreel department. 4. 1926. The newsreel department of the Odessa Film Factory is organizing the production of newsreels according to the principle of illustrated newspaper reporting. 5. 1927. Involvement of film amateurs and operators of various institutions in filming newsreels; instead of overview of plots devoid of social significance, the production of thematic newsreels is being established; all newsreels are included in the production plan of VUFKU. 6. 1928. Inclusion of foreign newsreels filmed by their own correspondents in the Cinema weekreleases; opening of a frame library at VUFKU; the beginning of the production of full-length editing films based on archival newsreels.

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12. Elena Muryukina, Victoria Voychenko
A Comparative Analysis of Soviet Media Education in the Period of “Perestroika” (1984–1991) and the Modern Period

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 693-701.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.693CrossRef

A comparative analysis of media education in the USSR during perestroika and the period of modern Russian history has shown us some similarities and differences. The position of researchers on the need to develop media education in the context of the main global trends, the use of a unified conceptual framework, and to rely on the international regulatory framework remains unified. A comparative analysis has proved that a large number of media-educational technologies used today in media-education activities were developed by media-educators during the perestroika period. They are a synthesis of Russian and foreign techniques that have proven effective in achieving media-educational goals. We note that the interest of media educators in media club activities has not diminished. The set of goals and tasks implemented at the classes of the media club has not undergone major changes and is focused to a greater extent on fostering the following qualities in the participants. The difference between the periods being compared is the understanding that the subjects of media education include not only students, but also teachers of secondary and higher schools and institutions of supplementary education. The new professional standard will reflect the qualification requirements in the field of media competence.

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13. Muzammil Saeed, Farahat Ali
Consumption of Sexually Explicit Content through Web Series and Emerging Adults' Sexual Objectification: An Empirical Study

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 702-714.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.702CrossRef

Modern technologies play a significant role in shaping gender perception and adolescents giving more emphasize on the external rather than internal features of an individuals. This study has been designed to examine the effects of the sexually explicit content of web series on emerging adults’ objectification. Survey method was applied, and data was collected from 700 undergraduate participant ages 18 to 23 studying in various public and private sector universities of Lahore, Pakistan. The study is driven by theoretical framework of uses and gratification and objectification theory. The result of the study showed that exposure of sexually explicit content through web series among male was strongly correlated with sexual objectification, dis-empathy, commenting about women’s body and insulting unattractive women. Moreover, web series exposure of sexually explicit content among female was not significantly correlated with male objectification. In addition to this, web series exposure is a significant predictor of sexual objectification dis-empathy, commenting about women’s body and insulting unattractive women among male university students. On the other hand, web series exposure of sexually explicit content is not significant predictor of sexual objectification among female university students. Hence the information acquired in this study can help in understanding the objectification decision made by males and females of this society and motivate parents to keep check on the type of contents their children are exposed to. Implication regarding media effects on gender perception and sexual objectification among male and females are discussed.

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14. Marina Tselykh
The Best Films of Soviet Film Distribution: What Were They Like for Readers of Soviet Screen Magazine (1958-1991)?

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 715-722.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.715CrossRef

Professor Alexander Fedorov's monograph "The Best and Worst Films of Soviet Film Distribution: Opinions of the Readers of the Soviet Screen Magazine" (1958-1991) (Fedorov, 2022), along with a comparative review of the results of the audience voting, provides a broad retrospective analysis and characterization of the state of Soviet cinema of this period. At the same time, the author proceeds not only from the changes that took place in the ideology and socio-political situation in the USSR, but also relies on objective statistical data. The book systematizes data on the dynamics of the production of full-length feature films, the figures for the annual attendance of Soviet and foreign films per capita in the USSR, the size of the circulation of the magazine Soviet Screen, the number of readers of the magazine who participated in the annual survey, and much more. All this allows the thoughtful reader to better understand the main guidelines that directed the audience in assessing films in different historical periods, as well as the vector of evolution of viewer preferences, expressed in the results of readers' questionnaires. This historical and statistical approach is especially important and valuable for young viewers, as it connects the history of cinema with the history of the country, film press and film statistics.

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15. Inga Zashikhina
Oscar-winning Blockbuster Joker: Discovering the Layers of Philosophical Meaning

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2021. 17(4): 723-730.
DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.4.723CrossRef

The American psychological thriller Joker made a lot of noise in the cultural world and became a blockbuster. The impact of the film was so huge that the images of the main hero Joker appeared in the most unexpected context. Joker could be the name of a café, teenager clothes shop, youth club, graffiti on the city building. It looked like the film produced multiple meanings for the audience and turned out to be one of those art objects that would stay as a part of the world culture. In this paper, we aim at analysing the meaning-constructing images that comprise the content matrix of the film Joker. For this, we firstly consider the contemporary cinematic theory and point out the ideas of the acknowledged experts and thinkers that are significant for film analysis. Then we approach the studies of prominent researchers of culture and philosophy that are critical for the film understanding. We also engage in hermeneutic analysis to follow the events and characters of the film plot. The final purpose of the research is to draw a resume that would define the philosophical value of the American blockbuster and explain its multi-layered sense for the world audience.

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